Business & Finance Corporations

Why Article Marketing Is Better Than Pay Per Click In Building A Home Business!

If anyone ever tells you that article marketing even though free, is more effective than Pay Per Click - PPC, would you believe that? Well let me tell you why you should not use PPC to build your business, and you can decide for yourself what is best for you.
Article marketing involves writing articles in a particular subject area and allowing hundreds of article directories to publish them.
When you have several articles online, even 5 to 10 years after the article is written, you continue to get traffic from the same articles.
PPC is short, descriptive and costs money for each click.
Once you have exhausted your budget, your advert stops showing and you stop making money.
You don't have to be an expert to write a good article.
Once you have several good articles online, you will continue to make several thousand dollars each month using only your internet connection, computer, time and your knowledge.
PPC needs a good understanding and a deep pocket before you can break even and start making a profit.
For the small guy who is just starting out, it will result into frustrations and huge losses if the individual jumps into PPC without good knowledge of the marketing medium.
It pays to make use of free, lasting and effective marketing methods to build a solid home based business.
Article marketing is one of the best medium to use when it comes to the above characteristics.
So if you don't have much money to promote your business using paid advertising, then article marketing is the way to go.
Stick with it long enough and see to it that you have started making enough money that will replace your day job before you can stop writing articles.
Everyone who comes to your website because of your article is highly qualified and better targeted and willing to join your business than someone who does not.

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