Health & Medical Mental Health

Cancer - Metaphysical Contemplations and Considerations

In the English language the word "cancer", besides the medical definition, is synonymous with "evil", "scourge", "blight" and "corruption".
Although this is not to say that people with cancer are evil (G-d forbid), malignancies come from an evil place.
And, since the physical is an expression of the spiritual, they emanate from the dark side of the soul.
Moreover, each of the synonyms actually describes the various facets of the character of a malignant tumor.
First, being "evil", the cancer robs the surrounding tissue of oxygen and nutrients while it serves no useful function.
Hence it has no consideration for its neighbors and will destroy them to occupy their space as it grows.
Second, a "scourge" is one who sets out with a singular purpose to cause harm and destroy.
Such an entity has no mercy or caring for others.
It will consume, devour and obliterate everything in its path without hesitation or thought as to the consequences.
Thus, the cancer is a scourge because it is a parasite that kills its host, thereby killing itself.
Accordingly, the mark of a scourge is to embark on a path of destruction that ultimately leads to self-annihilation like a terrorist suicide bomber.
Third, corruption denotes a part of a whole that is altered from its intended purpose or function in a way that disrupts and destroys, similar to a hard drive that crashes because of a file that was despoiled by a virus or other anomaly.
This word also means a loss of integrity whereby an entity no longer fulfils its obligations.
Additionally, corruption symbolizes a completely self-serving existence with no regard for the consequences of a breach of trust.
These definitions accurately describe the aberrant cancer cells that spin off from normal ones with a mutated DNA infrastructure.
The "What" and the "Why" In view of the above, no one can dispute that although good people suffer from it, cancer is the embodiment of evil.
The malignant tumor and its devastation is exactly what the dark side of the soul looks like revealed in the physical world.
Moreover, notwithstanding that it displays the traits of a parasite; the cancer is not a foreign invader.
It comes from within, in the form of new creation.
To understand how this works according to Hassidism (as expounded in the Tanya), we need to revisit the structure of the soul and its relation to the mind-body.
The animal aspect of the human spirit is the outer layer or "skin", so to speak.
The G-dly aspect is the core or hub, which represents one's essence.
This Divine light, being the true center of every person, is part and parcel of the essence of the Almighty.
To continue, this G-dly essence is His creative energy that emanates from the ineffable name of G-d, known in learned Jewish circles as the "Tetragrammaton" or "Four-Letter Name".
Two of the four Hebrew letters have the sound of the English letter "H", which corresponds to the "Breath of life" in Scripture.
While everything else in creation came about through Divine speech, the creation of man was more.
For example, the amount of air required to talk does not require much effort, while the amount of air needed to blow up a balloon is exhausting.
This is so because the latter involves forcing air into a tight space, which entails the use of abdominal and chest muscles.
Therefore, since G-d re-creates everything every instant to maintain existence, the energy that connects to the G-dly essence of every person is His creative power.
Now, the animal aspect of the soul, which is the life force that animates the body, contains the G-dly essence within it.
However, the "animal" exists in the form of a "shell" that attempts to serve as a barrier to the Divine light.
One way that it is able to carry out its task is to take credit for all accomplishments and fail to acknowledge that everything comes from the one true G-d who controls the world.
In so doing, the animal succeeds in not only blocking the light of creation, but in absorbing it as well.
Hence, the "bad" creation of new human cells arises from the darkness and evil becomes more revealed in the physical world.
The Enemy Within To be clear, this work is not about "spiritual healing" as an alternative to medicine.
It is about gaining some insight as to the spiritual dynamics of diseases like cancer.
Accordingly, I support all legitimate forms of conventional treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation when prescribed by qualified cancer specialists (oncologists).
I also do not want anyone to construe that cancer is a form of Divine punishment (Heaven forbid).
What I have described is an application of Hassidic concepts to show how positive creative energy absorbed into a negative realm will produce an abnormality.
Moreover, every conversation about cancer points to fighting an enemy; "I'm going to beat this thing!" "I'm going to fight it.
" "I'm going to kick this cancer in the butt!" "Neal Armstrong, the cycling champion, fought his battle against cancer and won.
" Additionally, the available treatments are usually described as the "arsenal of weapons".
Hence, the person who receives the shocking news that he or she has cancer immediately begins to prepare for war with a strong determination to win.
Family members will rally around to provide support and encouragement.
Thus, if a person is going to use sheer will to enhance the effectiveness of the prescribed regimen, he or she needs to focus on the supernal realm and study the enemy within.
The key to winning any war is, knowing one's adversary.
For that reason, we must ask the question, "Who is this vile antagonist?" The enemy within is the animal that must assert its existence as being independent.
This is consistent with being self aware and is necessary for survival.
Remember that the core of the human, i.
the "Divine spark" wants only to be with the Creator.
Accordingly, G-d conceals His presence through the previously described contractions in order to allow the created beings to have the allusion of independent existence.
However, when unchecked, the animal life force will carry this self-concept to extreme and deny the existence of G-d.
That is the basis by which we all occasionally take credit for our accomplishments, forgetting that everything comes from Him.
Consequently, since G-d's Light of creation is always present, the denial causes some of it to be absorbed into the realm of darkness resulting in mutation.
Setting the Stage for the Cure When a person has come to terms with the challenge presented by a diagnosis of cancer (or any other catastrophic disease), he or she needs to understand the nature of the struggle.
It is an inner conflict.
In the realm of knowledge, there is the known (what is revealed within us) and the knowable (what is revealed in the world).
Hence the challenged individual prepares for battle by transferring the knowable to the known.
This transmittal takes place by studying Scripture.
There is one group of passages (Psalms; Chapter 73; Verses 21-28) that holds the key to the door of recovery; "When my heart was in ferment, and my mind was sharpened, I was a boor and did not understand, like an animal I was with You.
Yet I was always with You; You have held my right hand.
Guide me with Your counsel, and afterward, receive me with honor.
Whom do I have in Heaven besides You? And, when I am with You I desire nothing on Earth.
My flesh and my heart yearn; G-d is the rock of my heart and my portion forever.
For behold, all those who are far from You perish, You cut down all who stray from You.
But, as for me, the nearness of G-d is my good; I have put my trust in my Lord, G-d, that I may recount all Your works.
" What the Psalmist is saying here is that even when we are engaged in sinful acts, G-d already counts us as being worthy of redemption.
Thus, we must begin our return to G-dliness by acknowledging that He is the one true G-d who controls the world.
Accordingly, when we say out loud with gratitude that nothing is independent of Him, we immediately nullify the animal's false notion of autonomy.
This pokes a gaping hole in the shell of darkness and the G-dly Light from within bursts forth to reconnect with its source.
Therefore, the struggle to triumph over such adversity begins and ends with the tendency to think of one's self as being in control rather than attributing all events to G-d's infinite Wisdom and Mercy.

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