Mustang Island State Park in Texas
- Mustang Island State Park encompasses 3,954 acres on the southern end of Mustang Island on Texas's Gulf Coast. Corpus Christi Bay is to the west, and the Gulf of Mexico is to the east. The park's physical address is 17047 State Hwy 361, and the information line is (800) 792-1112.
- Coastal sand dunes are numerous, along with drought-resistant vegetation such as sea oats and beach panic grass. The average sand dune is 15 to 20 feet, though some may reach up to 35 feet.
- Waterfowl, shorebirds and rodents such as gophers and squirrels are common. Rabbits, raccoons, opossums, skunks, armadillos, hawks and songbirds also live in the park, as well as a small number of coyotes and around 600 different types of saltwater fish.
- Park activities include camping, hiking, fishing, swimming, surfing, kayaking, bird watching and other outdoor activities. Ecological tours may also be scheduled. Special events occur occasionally and are listed on the park's website.
- The park is open seven days a week, with the gate open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. The entrance fee is $4 a day for persons 13 and older. Primitive campsites cost $8 per night; campsites with electric and water service cost $16 per night.