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The Modern Tall Ship Model

Standing tall above the horizon, a large mast peaks over the lip of the ocean as the boat it's connected to sails ever closer into view.
While both the horizon's distance and the rolling mist strive to hide these tall and proud masts, the eye has no problem spotting them from shore.
The fabled melancholy gaze of a fisherman's wife learned to spot just these ships with quickness and accuracy.
These could be seen even easier when a lantern or some kind of light was attached to the masts.
Tall masted ships have a great deal of presence on the ocean, and their masts' height are used for shock value.
Unique tallness is not restricted to just masts, however.
While small ships are fun to look at, a tall ship model impresses a viewer easily.
When the stern of a ship is increased in height the rest of the ship seems to grow in height as well.
This is due to the fact that the stern is a main focal point in the eye's field of vision.
Many a tall ship model utilize a wide range of optical tricks to make the ship look bigger.
This includes highlighting various parts of the under ship as well as choosing a light colored paint for the model ship's paint job.
A wide cut set of boards make the ship appear more stretched and taller while thinner cut boards tend to do very little for the height of the ship itself.
Some makers may also make the length of the boat comparatively smaller in order to make it seem higher.
Sailboats are a type of model boat that tend to be among the tallest tall ship model.
This is mostly due to the boat having tall masts and sails to catch the wind.
Schooners are the ships that have the taller masts in the model ship market.
Schooners often had multiple sails with many masts.
On today's ships, tallness is not comparable to the height of a schooner.
This makes having a tall ship model very unique In terms of being a decorative item, the tall ship model will hardly ever go unnoticed in a room.
Attention and praise are always expressed when guests see the height of the model.
Buying this model is easy and the truly hard part begins when one must search for a place to display it.
If you are feeling particularly generous, a whole table is a great way to display these tall masted ship models.
While using the table top is almost shamefully simple others prefer placing the model on a shelf as an option.
While these models are very slender and thin, they are also taller than they may seem, but with the exact measurements in your mind one can more easily determine a suitable place to put this exciting and original decorative item in.

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