Proper APA Format
- A properly formatted APA style paper should contain four sections: a title page, an abstract, the main body of the paper and the references. The paper should be typed on standard paper in 10- or 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins on each side. Each page should have a header including the first two or three words of the title and the page number. Double-space your entire paper, even headings; no titles should be in quotation marks, underlined or in italics.
The title page should include the header at the top, then a line denoting the "Running Head," used in your page header. On the upper half of the page then you should type your full title, your name or byline, and any affiliations you have, each on separate lines.
The abstract of your paper should be on the next page, again using your page header. Then under a heading of "Abstract," centered on the page, type a summary of your paper in one paragraph. Make sure it covers the key points of your paper but is not more than 120 words.
The references section of your paper should be on a new page after the final page of the main body of your paper. The page should be labeled "References," centered on the page. Each entry should be in hanging indent format: the first line is flush to the margin and the following lines are indented half an inch for each entry. Make sure to put last names first and only use initials for first names. Don't list more than six authors; if there are more than six for one work, write the first six then "et al." Alphabetize entries. Italicize titles of books and journals, but not shorter works like journal articles or essays. - The general APA format for newspapers, magazines or journal articles in print form uses the following information in this order: First Author, X., Second Author, Y., (Year published or printed). Title of article. Title of Journal (in italics), Volume number (issue number), page number-page number. If there are more or fewer authors, just add or subtract them at the beginning. If there are none, continue with the rest of the information first.
To cite books or reports in print form in APA style use the following information in this order: Author, A. (Year of publication). Title of work (in italics). City of publication: Name of publisher. Again, if there are more or fewer authors, add or subtract as necessary, or if the author is an association use that instead. - To cite a website, or online journal article or online book, you need to provide the following information in this order, if it is available: First Author, X., Second Author, Y., & Third Author Z. (Year of web publication). Title of Journal, article or work (in italics), Date of retrieval and website URL.
APA style discourages the inclusion of email messages in works cited and suggests citing them in text only using parentheses to note that the source was a "personal communication."