Secret Treasures in a Tote Bag: Tips for Family Road-Trips
In today's economy, sometimes taking a road-trip is a cheaper way to vacation.
Not only do road-trips save money, but they are also a great way to see the country in a new way.
The biggest problems with going on road-trips are that they are generally long, parts of the country are boring, and you have to stay seated for a long time.
These potentially negative aspects are amplified when you are taking these road-trips with your children.
However, that shouldn't deter you because here are some tips to keep your children entertained during the trip.
First, turn off the DVD player.
As cool as it may be that your children can watch TV quietly in the back of your car, think how much they are missing outside the car.
Also, it's slightly annoying to be sitting in the front seat and able to hear the video, but you can't see anything.
Try singing along to the radio or CDs for a while.
If you want a more quiet activity, put in a book on tape/CD, which you can check out of your local library.
They are also just as entertaining for those riding shotgun.
The stories are just as interesting as in a movie, but now your children have to use their imaginations to follow along; keeping them from becoming potatoes in the back seat.
You shouldn't have the story on all the time though; if you leave some breaks not only are you adding suspense, but you are also allowing your children to notice the scenery around them.
Great places to take story breaks are when you are driving through a town or city that is historical.
As you retell the history of the city/town point out monuments so that they can really remember what it is they saw and heard.
Second, keep a travel bag -- a tote bag (carry-on size) is perfect -- in the front seat with you.
When you start hearing; "Are we there yet?" pull a surprise out of the bag so they have something new to fixate on aside from how long they have been sitting in the car.
This surprise should be something completely new, not just a favorite toy that they forgot to pack.
It can be something as simple as a knick-knack you picked up at the last gas station.
Anything that you think will hold their interests.
Near the end of the day, when everyone is just a little bit cranky, candy and other treats are great! Not only will the food keep them busy, but it will also maintain their blood-sugar levels so they are less apt to become cranky again in the near future.
Finally, a really fun, and educational, game you can play with your whole family is the license plate game.
Whenever you see an out-of-state license plate, the first person to name the capital of that state wins! Make sure that there is some sort of prize for the winner stashed in your travel bag, even if it is something as simple as a fun hairclip or new toy car.
That way they will really want to play, and thereby learn something about the U.
Many parents shy away from taking road-trips with their children because they fear the constant complaining.
However, if you come prepared with games and entertainment in your travel bag, everyone will have a great time! Your children will have so much fun they won't realize that they are learning things along the way as well!
Not only do road-trips save money, but they are also a great way to see the country in a new way.
The biggest problems with going on road-trips are that they are generally long, parts of the country are boring, and you have to stay seated for a long time.
These potentially negative aspects are amplified when you are taking these road-trips with your children.
However, that shouldn't deter you because here are some tips to keep your children entertained during the trip.
First, turn off the DVD player.
As cool as it may be that your children can watch TV quietly in the back of your car, think how much they are missing outside the car.
Also, it's slightly annoying to be sitting in the front seat and able to hear the video, but you can't see anything.
Try singing along to the radio or CDs for a while.
If you want a more quiet activity, put in a book on tape/CD, which you can check out of your local library.
They are also just as entertaining for those riding shotgun.
The stories are just as interesting as in a movie, but now your children have to use their imaginations to follow along; keeping them from becoming potatoes in the back seat.
You shouldn't have the story on all the time though; if you leave some breaks not only are you adding suspense, but you are also allowing your children to notice the scenery around them.
Great places to take story breaks are when you are driving through a town or city that is historical.
As you retell the history of the city/town point out monuments so that they can really remember what it is they saw and heard.
Second, keep a travel bag -- a tote bag (carry-on size) is perfect -- in the front seat with you.
When you start hearing; "Are we there yet?" pull a surprise out of the bag so they have something new to fixate on aside from how long they have been sitting in the car.
This surprise should be something completely new, not just a favorite toy that they forgot to pack.
It can be something as simple as a knick-knack you picked up at the last gas station.
Anything that you think will hold their interests.
Near the end of the day, when everyone is just a little bit cranky, candy and other treats are great! Not only will the food keep them busy, but it will also maintain their blood-sugar levels so they are less apt to become cranky again in the near future.
Finally, a really fun, and educational, game you can play with your whole family is the license plate game.
Whenever you see an out-of-state license plate, the first person to name the capital of that state wins! Make sure that there is some sort of prize for the winner stashed in your travel bag, even if it is something as simple as a fun hairclip or new toy car.
That way they will really want to play, and thereby learn something about the U.
Many parents shy away from taking road-trips with their children because they fear the constant complaining.
However, if you come prepared with games and entertainment in your travel bag, everyone will have a great time! Your children will have so much fun they won't realize that they are learning things along the way as well!