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Easy Guide to Recover Images You Lost,Deleted on Sony Cyber Shot W530 Camera

Have you ever deleted any images on your Sony Cyber shot w530 camera by mistake? Do you want to recover images that you just lost? Yes, it is heartbreaking to believe that your unforgettable memory is lost forever. But hang on! You may be able to get your images back!

There are many different reasons for why your images might have been completely erased. You might have pressed the erase button, thinking it was a different button. A careless love ones or a friend may have thought these images useless and deleted them. In either case, your pictures are gone. Well, they are not erased for good. You can retrieve them by some means.

Although some folks might think it is extremely difficult to recover deleted images. It is easy to recover deleted images. If those images were deleted on your pc, it is a really easy job to get them back. You can simply open the recycle bin on the desktop of your PC and you will see your lost images there. All you need to do is right click on the picture and pick "Restore". That is it, your images are back!

Image Recovery

But what if you emptied the Recycle Bin after deleted those images? And what if your images are still on your camera when you deleted them while connecting with computer (which means that you have not uploaded those photos to your PC)? Or you just formatted the SD card on your mobile phone that had a lot photos on it? If you failed to get your memory card open on computer, then it can be worse than the former situations. So, how to retrieve images that you lost?

Do not worry about losing your pictures with memorable memory. There is certainly still hope to retrieve them. If you posted them on a social network site like Facebook, Tweeter, go to that site and find the pictures. After you found your pictures, just right click your mouse and pick "save as" to retrieve your images.

If it fails, then you have to get a good quality digital image recovery software to recover your pictures. A professional image recovery software is known to recover images which have been deleted, corrupted, erased by formatting on your computer, external hard drive, USB flash drive, memory card on your camera and mobile phone. For recovery software, I recommend you two good ones: Tenorshare Data Recovery (for Window), Card Data Recovery For Mac.

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