Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Tannin Allergy Symptoms

    Mild Reactions

    • Tannins are most commonly present in red wine, coffee and teas . As a product of a plant, tannin can cause sudden reactions in some people, even those who have consumed these drinks for years with no ill effects.

      Mild symptoms include a mild headache, jitteriness or anxiety. This is because the body is reacting as if the tannin were a minor infection and the body is ramping up adrenaline, histamines and other defenses to fight off the invader.

    Moderate Reactions

    • Moderate reactions can occur if someone with a mild reaction consumes tannin again, or they may happen spontaneously. These symptoms are more severe and can become problematic.

      Some moderate symptoms include nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea and more severe headaches. Some people even experience hay-fever-like symptoms. In these cases, histamines are beginning to overreact to the presence of tannin and are trying to eliminate this "toxin" from the body as soon as possible.

    Life-Threatening Reactions

    • Some people can spontaneously experience life-threatening allergic reactions to tannin, though most people who have life-threatening reactions have had mild or moderate reactions before.

      In a life-threatening reaction, a person may experience difficulty breathing, a choking sensation, swollen tongue or other blockage of the air passageway. This is caused by a severe overreaction of the body's histamine defenses, resulting in a swelling of soft tissues and mucus membranes.

    Ancillary Reactions

    • Some studies suggest that a mild form of tannin allergies may, in fact, exacerbate other chronic illnesses including asthma. Similarly, some people experience migraines or "hang overs" after consuming even a small amount of red wine. In these cases, tannin allergies may be exacerbating an allergic reaction to sulfides used to preserve wine.


    • The best prevention is to avoid consuming drinks with tannins in them all together. Solutions to tannin allergies include the ingesting of an antihistamine medication in mild to moderate reactions or may require the injection of atropine, a powerful anti-inflammatory, in the case of life-threatening reactions. Only a physician can prescribe atropine and those who have experienced a life-threatening reaction, or whom the doctor feels might experience one, should carry a one-use "pen" with them at all times and wear a MedicAlert bracelet.

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