Actor Employment Agreement - Non-Union - Low Budget to Safeguard Your Acting Compensation
If you have signed to work in a low budget motion picture, without being a member of Union, how can you safeguard your acting compensation? You can simply sign an Actor Employment Agreement - Non-Union - Low Budget with the motion picture producing studio.
Such artist agreement is entered with the actors, who are not affiliated to any union and acts in low fund motion pictures, which is released by the studio.
The signed contract is legally valid between artist and the studio, where both parties, understand terms & conditions, their duties and responsibilities, through the provisions, included in the contract.
The agreement thus signed, also facilitates the smooth production and release of the motion picture.
There are certain points, which have their bearings on such agreements, entered between artists, who are not the member of a union and studio.
These points can be summed up as follows: Firstly, the actor signs the contract on his own discretion, knowledge and responsibility, due to non availability of professional help and guidance of agents.
Without, professional knowledge and inexperience, the signing of the contract by the performer, may sometimes works, against his/her interest.
The artist may not have professional expertise to negotiate efficiently or may agree to conditions, which can influence his workings negatively.
Thirdly, the inexperience of the performer may urge him to demand very high remuneration, which might effect the production and release of the motion picture.
Fourthly, on few occasions, the actors are not paid their due compensation, citing various reasons by the studio.
But, the artists can be saved from such unpleasant happenings, if they are assigned to SAG movies.
The reason being, artists from SAG movies are given SAG actor's agreement/contract for signing with the studio.
These SAG contracts, which are known as Low Budget Actors Agreements are legally binding and supersedes any contracts signed by the artist with the motion picture producer.
Even if the actor or producer signs the common employment agreement, overlooking certain points, which may be detrimental to actor's interest, SAG agreement defaults such agreement.
These reasons make it necessary that, an actor should sign the Actor Employment Agreement with clear mind and in depth revision.
The producers are always in a strain with the production of the motion picture and may not favor any disputes or any action by the artist, which may have negative impact on the smooth running of the production.
Such artist agreement is entered with the actors, who are not affiliated to any union and acts in low fund motion pictures, which is released by the studio.
The signed contract is legally valid between artist and the studio, where both parties, understand terms & conditions, their duties and responsibilities, through the provisions, included in the contract.
The agreement thus signed, also facilitates the smooth production and release of the motion picture.
There are certain points, which have their bearings on such agreements, entered between artists, who are not the member of a union and studio.
These points can be summed up as follows: Firstly, the actor signs the contract on his own discretion, knowledge and responsibility, due to non availability of professional help and guidance of agents.
Without, professional knowledge and inexperience, the signing of the contract by the performer, may sometimes works, against his/her interest.
The artist may not have professional expertise to negotiate efficiently or may agree to conditions, which can influence his workings negatively.
Thirdly, the inexperience of the performer may urge him to demand very high remuneration, which might effect the production and release of the motion picture.
Fourthly, on few occasions, the actors are not paid their due compensation, citing various reasons by the studio.
But, the artists can be saved from such unpleasant happenings, if they are assigned to SAG movies.
The reason being, artists from SAG movies are given SAG actor's agreement/contract for signing with the studio.
These SAG contracts, which are known as Low Budget Actors Agreements are legally binding and supersedes any contracts signed by the artist with the motion picture producer.
Even if the actor or producer signs the common employment agreement, overlooking certain points, which may be detrimental to actor's interest, SAG agreement defaults such agreement.
These reasons make it necessary that, an actor should sign the Actor Employment Agreement with clear mind and in depth revision.
The producers are always in a strain with the production of the motion picture and may not favor any disputes or any action by the artist, which may have negative impact on the smooth running of the production.