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Tips for a Happy 1st or 2nd Birthday Party for Everyone!

You want to make sure even the littlest guests have a great time which will in turn make their parents have a good time!Here are some tips to keep the little ones occupied and happy! Sippy Cups: Have Disposable Sippy cups with your other party cups so all the babies can have a drink too, especially if the party is outside and hot! Snacks: Make sure you put out some snacky foods for the littlest guests (Graham Crackers, Goldfish).
Baby Games: If you have a bunch of babies have them play a "find game" that matches your theme.
Place toys or small Stuffed Bears, Fish, Cars, Cats, etc around and have the babies crawl or run around to find them.
It is quite fun for the parents to watch as well.
Favors: Bibs are a great Favor for a 1st Birthday, Rubber Duckys, Bubbles, Fill a Decorated Sippy Cup or Snack Cup with goodies, Pacifiers, Stuffed Animals, Bath or Car Seat toys Set a Party Schedule: Make sure and set a party schedule! It is really difficult to go to a party with young children when you have to wait for hours to get through the big moments.
Keep the big Events (Games/Crafts, Food, Cake, Presents - in that order) within the first 1 1/2 hours-2 hours.
It really makes a difference so that you keep the kids sane and happy and the parents happier!This way the people who can and want to stay longer can.
The ones with little kids will be appreciative!! Sample Schedule: 0 - 15 min: First Arrivals and Hellos 15 min - 45 min: Games and Crafts 45 min - 1 hour 15 min: Eating and Cake 1 hour 15 min - ????: Gifts

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