Home & Garden Home Improvement

Looking at Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment? Maybe Look Elsewhere Instead

Here's a reverse osmosis water treatment comparison for you.
I have read a large number of reverse osmosis reviews.
Some people are happy, but most people have complaints.
If you want to be satisfied with you home purification measures, you need to consider all of your options.
If you have a private well, you should have testing conducted on an annual basis to ensure that your supply remains untainted and that the purification steps you are taking are sufficient.
In this article, we look at the most common contaminants in publicly treated supplies and how they can be removed.
Chemical Contaminants; Chlorine, THMs, Lindane, Alachlor, Atrazine, Benzene, MTBE, TCE and Others In a reverse osmosis water treatment comparison, you need to be sure that additional steps are included to remove chemical contaminants.
By itself, RO will not remove chemical contaminants, at all.
In reverse osmosis reviews, I often see people complaining that they can still taste chlorine.
That means that the system they chose did not include granular activated carbon, which is the easiest and least expensive method for chlorine reduction.
The other chemicals, listed above, require different filtering media, which is not present in the cheaper systems and only found in one RO system that I know of.
All publicly treated supplies are contaminated with THMs, as they are byproducts of public disinfection methods.
Yet most systems on the market do not remove THMs.
Some or all of the other chemicals listed above may be present in your supply.
Each one of them is a known or probably human carcinogen, as is THM.
So, you want to look for a system that is certified to removal all of them.
Naturally Occurring or "Organic" Contaminants Most reverse osmosis reviews do not mention contaminant removal.
People are concerned about the things they can see and taste, but natural elements such as lead and volatile organic compounds are tasteless, odorless and microscopic in size, yet they are the most hazardous to your health.
If you read a reverse osmosis water treatment comparison, the company will admit that the systems only "reduce" lead to the federal action level.
Ion exchange systems, on the other hand, reduce lead by at least 99%.
Particulates & Cysts Many reverse osmosis reviews are written by people concerned about cyst contamination.
If you do a reverse osmosis water treatment comparison to submicron filtration, you will find that submicron filtration is just as effect for the removal of cysts and particulates, but it costs far less.
I stopped reading reverse osmosis reviews, when I found that I could get a more affordable purifier that was just as, and in some cases, more effective.
Technologically advanced selective filtration systems require less maintenance.
They include multiple stages to remove the widest range of contaminants.
When I conducted a complete reverse osmosis water treatment comparison to the function and effectiveness of selective filtration, I found that selective filtration came out on top.
Hopefully, you will reach the same conclusion.

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