Health & Medical sports & Exercise

A Golf Fitness Coach Equals Great Golf

Golf fitness coach. Have you ever considered oneand if so, what precisely were you looking for? There are numerous general fitness trainers trying to get a piece of the golf fitness and training market that seems to be rapidly gaining exposure both on the television and in print thanks to Tiger, Vijay and Annika.

But the initial thing you should consider when searching into hiring a golf fitness coach or program is the trainers experience in golf.

Yesthat is high on the list of requirements. Does he/she know golf? Do they know the biomechanics of the golf swing? How about muscle function throughout the golf swing?

An simple test is during the initial interview or if youre researching it online would be to either ask very golf particular swing technique questions; or take a look at the information on the website. Youll discover out real quick if this person or program can assist your golf swing, game and health.

A golf fitness coach or program ought to incorporate strength, flexibility, endurance, body awareness, balance, stability and even a nutrition component.

Its simple for a trainer to have a strength componentbut is it particular to golf? A quick test. Take a look at a few of the exercises. Are any of them on seated machines for instance? If they arerun! This is not a golf fitness coach and/or program. This is considered general fitness.

Now stretching. You will find dozens of stretches for all people. But take a take a look at some of them. Do they even remotely look like they'll benefit your golf swing?

Stretches involving trunk flexibility; lower back; hamstring; and even shoulders particular to the mechanics of the swing are what you would like. General stretches are much better than nothing, but will delay your results. You want specific stretches.

Body awareness. Does any of the exercises resemble golf positions or phases of the swing? Do they look like you would be on your feet and in your golf posture? As stated above, if they're seated on machines, your body will learn nothing in regards to your golf swing.

Training your body particular to golf incorporates positions nearly identical to what your body would be in throughout any part of the golf swing.

Stability. Training your body to enhance stability in your swing can get just a little complex in the event you really want to see outcomes. The swing happens at between 80-100 miles an hour. 1 of the greatest flaws of amateur golfers is moving in their golf swing.

Moving either laterally (sliding), vertically (up and done) or both. This is death to your golf swing. To improve your stability involves particular strength drills most trainers do not even know about.

I could go on-and-on about the requirements of a golf fitness coach or program. It is critical you make the best choice. I have heard horror stories of golfers working with so-called golf fitness specialists and their game getting worse. With the correct research this wont happen to you. So definitely think about a golf fitness coach.

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