Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Natural Remedies to Heal Low Stomach Acid

    How to Know if You Have Low Stomach Acid

    • When someone is experiencing stomach pain, first they must determine what the problem is. There is a simple at-home test to determine if someone is suffering from too much or too little stomach acid. At the first sign of stomach pain, the ailing individual should swallow one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. If the pain goes away, the individual knows that they are experiencing too little stomach acid, rather than too much. If the pain only worsens, they have an overload of stomach acid and will need acid reducers to fix this problem.

    What to Eat and What to Avoid

    • The most logical step to adding stomach acid back naturally is to change what you put into your body. The first step is to reduce or eliminate sugars alltogether. Opt to sweeten foods naturally with honey or natural fruit juices. Some people recommend using artificial sweeteners, but these aren't always good for everyone. For example, someone who suffers from a toxic overload cannot eat artificial sweeteners without having negative effects. Eat more vegetables and natural fruits. Healthy choices for adding natural acid include beets, broccoli and spinach.


    • Ginger has been used for centuries to settle the stomach and aid the digestive track in working properly. It also can be used to help with stomach problems associated with having low stomach acid. The apple cider vinegar water also will be beneficial. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 16 ounces of water and drink throughout the day. Ginger is available in candied or tea form. Alternate drinking apple cider vinegar water with ginger tea or chew on crystallized ginger throughout the day to settle your stomach. If the problem persists, make a doctor's appointment for further treatment options.

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