Technology Software

Web Browser Add-Ons for the Struggling Economy

Cutbacks and Layoffs

The toughest side effect of our struggling economy has to be the record loss of jobs. Unemployment numbers continue to rise as more and more companies are forced to conduct significant layoffs. Searching for new jobs has never been an easy task, but now the difficulty has been multiplied tenfold due to the sheer amount of people fighting for the same positions. If you are one of the many out there job hunting, any edge you can gain over the competition is a welcome one.

With the large number of job search engines, job search websites, and other job search resources in existence for those seeking new jobs, knowing where to look is important.

The Power of Craigslist

One website that has become very popular when it comes to the topic of job search is Craigslist. Potential employers are constantly listing new jobs in the site's massive classified database, and those looking for work tend to survey those new listings with the tenacity of a hawk. The CraigZilla add-on gives you the ability to quickly filter Craiglist to find exactly the type of employment you are looking for, and also lets you monitor new listings of interest while you are browsing other sites.

It's All About Networking

When trying to land that new job, it isn't only about what you know. Sometimes who you know can be just as important. A positive referral from a respected colleague or friend can usually provide a significant edge when you sit down for an interview. One of the best resources available to connect with other professionals is LinkedIn, which features over 25 million members.

The perfect tool for navigating LinkedIn's vast database is the LinkedIn Companion, a browser add-on available for both Firefox and Internet Explorer users. Sign up for LinkedIn, download the toolbar, and add the networking aspect to your ever-important job search.

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