Feline Gingivitis Cures
- Gingivitis can be a serious threat to your cat's healthHouse Cat image by phizics from Fotolia.com
Gingivitis is the technical term for inflammation of the gums. It affects many animals, including cats. The disease is caused by tartar buildup associated with poor dental hygiene and can result in serious oral problems, including loss of teeth, if left untreated. The bacteria in the gums can even, in some cases, enter the bloodstream and cause coronary problems and liver damage. Fortunately, there are reliable treatments to cure your cat's gingivitis, as well as preventative measures to ensure gum health. - Removing the tartar causing your cat's gingivitis is the most effective way to cure the disease, and your veterinarian can do this by performing what's called descaling. A similar form of descaling is also used by dentists to remove tartar buildup in humans. Cats generally won't sit still for this lengthy and uncomfortable procedure, so anaesthesia is usually required. If you notice symptoms of gingivitis, such as bad breath, red or swollen gums, difficulty eating, drooling, bleeding gums or receding gumline, contact your vet immediately.
- In early cases of gingivitis that haven't progressed very far, regularly brushing your cat's teeth at home can often cure the disease, according to the website Cat World. You'll need to purchase a special cat toothbrush and toothpaste (never use human toothpaste on cats or any other animal). Many owners have difficulty controlling their cats enough to brush their teeth, so a tooth-cleaning session with the veterinarian may be in order. Be sure to brush the front and back of each tooth.
- Additional medical treatments may be necessary if your cat's gingivitis is particularly bad. In some cases, anti-inflammatory medications like prednisone, as well as certain corticosteroids, may be necessary to cure gingivitis. Antibiotics are sometimes used to prevent the spread of bacterial infection and alleviate symptoms. Interferon and other immune modulators may also be used to suppress the cat's immune system response if the condition is severe and causing extreme pain.