Health & Medical Medicine

Alternative Natural Treatment For Oligomenorrhea Problem

Oligomenorrhea is the condition where the women fail to get regular monthly cycle, especially, if the duration of a cycle is more than 35 days. Normally, women get monthly bleeding in 21 to 35 days. The condition is said to be problematic if the woman fails to get bleeding even after three months. The problem of oligomenorrhea and irregular periods can be common in adolescent girls. The complete absence of period can be a major problem even for girls below the age of 15. Sometimes, use of drugs induces hormonal changes that affect the volume of bleeding. Alternative natural treatment for oligomenorrhea problem is considered to be effective and beneficial in many ways as it has no side effects and it regulates the monthly cycles effortlessly without causing any harm.

Alternative natural treatment for oligomenorrhea problem is offered by Gynecure Capsule that has a combination of herbs that can repairs body tissues and improve blood circulation to various organs to improve mental and physical alertness. It helps in reducing the symptoms of poor metabolism and anemia caused by excess blood loss during the menstruation cycle.

Since the hormone production and the performance of glands in every ones body are different, the condition of volume and flow of blood during the menstruation cycle varies from one person to other. Some of the conditions for heavy bleeding -
1. It has been observed that intake of hormonal contraceptives, sometimes, reduces the amount of bleeding in women and when women stop taking such contraceptives, the flow volume increases.
2. It takes some years of regular menstruation cycles for the flow to get regulated. Sometimes, women who skip one cycle may have a heavy volume the next month.
3. Women who engage in sports or gymnastics can suffer from excess bleeding. Some women may have to cut on their workout to prevent excess bleeding during the menstruation cycle.
4. Sometimes, irregular eating and travelling can affect the flow of monthly cycle.
5. Women suffering from hormonal problems suffer from cysts and in certain conditions, face excess bleeding due to PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome).
6. Also the presence of thyroid conditions or diabetes can be cause for excess bleeding.
7. Women having a high level of proteins in their blood called the prolactin also face excess volume of monthly flow.
8. Researchers are also trying to find out a relationship between body fat and hormonal changes in women body as many women gain weight when they suffer from hormonal problems.

Alternative natural treatment for oligomenorrhea problem as offered by ayurvedic system of medicine is based on regulating hormone secretion in women's body by using herbs that contains phytoestrogen. The plants having phytoestrogen and anti-oxidants nourish female body by supplying it with the required hormones and rejuvenating the body tissues to enhance the performance of dying tissues. Alternative natural treatment for oligomenorrhea problem is based on plant-based components that help to rejuvenate and repair the tissues. Gynecure Capsule regulates monthly cycles by providing plant-based hormones and reduces symptoms of oligomenorrhea such as pain, nausea, inflammation and excess bleeding.

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