Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Tooth Extraction in Fort Lauderdale: Obituary for a Tooth

Tooth extraction in Fort Lauderdale is sometimes inescapably necessary. There comes a time in everyone's life when it is time to say goodbye to a tooth. Whether it was the ravages of gum disease, decay or accidental trauma that put an untimely end to your pearly white's life, know that your dentist did everything he could to save your tooth. And this is the cruel reality… sometimes, teeth cannot be saved. But, they can also sometimes be tenacious little things and instead of passing from this life and into the next [usually the toilet or the garbage can], they remain clinging to the warmth of their soft pink home. It is in these cases that your dentist will opt to perform a tooth extraction in Fort Lauderdale.

Tooth Extraction in Fort Lauderdale: When Teeth Die

When a tooth becomes irreparably damaged or decayed, it can be in the best interests of your oral health to have it removed. But before you run screaming in the opposite direction, a tooth extraction in Fort Lauderdale is one of the quickest, simplest and least expensive of all the procedures the dentist performs! Plus, with the aid of local anesthetics, or sedation [which is offered by this periodontist] you won't feel a thing. So what does it mean when a tooth actually 'dies'? Usually, depending upon the extent of damage or decay, your dentist can take various steps and measures to restore it to health, even if this means removing a portion of the affected areas and replacing it with ceramic material. But in many cases, people ignore the beginning signs of trouble, such as sensitivity and pain… leaving it until it is too late for the tooth to be saved. When decay extends deep into the gingival sulci [tooth socket] and causes the delicate collection of nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth to die, you know you're in trouble. Even then, however, root canal therapy can allow you to keep your pearly white… such is the incredible ability of modern dental science. But, should this fail [and it does happen], you are facing the inevitability of a tooth extraction in Fort Lauderdale.

Tooth Extraction in Fort Lauderdale: Is This the End?

Having a tooth extraction in Fort Lauderdale, by no stretch of the imagination, means you have to walk around with a big gap in your smile! Dental implants offer one of the most comprehensive and long term solutions to single and multiple missing teeth. So, saying goodbye to a tooth just means 'hello' to a functional and aesthetic replacement. In reality, however, there are a great other number of reasons for a tooth extraction in Fort Lauderdale, some of which don't require dental implants. Third molars [wisdom teeth] are notorious for causing problems when they emerge in one's early adulthood and frequently require removal. Even children that are losing their milk teeth can require a particularly tenacious tooth to be pulled.

Whatever the reason is for a tooth extraction in Fort Lauderdale, remember that prevention is better than cure. Go for regular check-ups with your dentist to prevent ever facing the need to bid a sad farewell to one of your pearly whites.

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