Car Insurance Dedicated For Women
Historically, the insurance industry has used certain data from customer's gender and age to decide the premiums to charge.
In some cases, using this data places a burden on certain drivers to pay more for insurance than others.
It was always believed that women had to pay more for insurance because men are better drivers.
However, this perception may not necessarily be the cause of more expensive car insurance for women.
This misconception is largely a fabled part of the past since insurance providers are now more competitive and more informed to the fact that women are equally, and in some case more responsible than men when it comes to driving.
The trite saying that men perform better behind the wheel than women was the basis behind the belief that car insurance for women is more costly.
Actually a recent Carnegie-Mellon investigation revealed quite a different result concerning the controversy of men vs.
women drivers.
A result of the data was that a man has a 50% greater chance than a woman to be involved in a fatal accident.
A deeper look at the figures from another study revealed that while nearly 70% of women have never had a traffic violation, the figure for men was slightly less than 65%.
An additional result of the study was the amount of multiple violations.
The question revealed that men have received multiple citations 10% more often than women.
There are car insurance companies that have special programs catering specifically to car insurance for women.
This eliminates the possibility that a woman will pay a higher rate than a man will simply because of her gender.
By setting up special programs, these companies are becoming more viable in providing car insurance for women.
If you believe that car insurance for women is higher, you should consider the fact the insurance companies target young men as the riskiest of drivers.
You can simply find out how your rates compare to other drivers by checking out a free web quote offered by may insurance companies.
You will find that car insurance for women is in most cases less than the same class for men.
Even though a widespread viewpoint is that men are better drivers, the insurance companies do not tend to follow this flawed logic.
Although insurance providers use demographics and gender as a consideration, the mere fact that one is a man or woman is only one factor in determining the amount of that person's premium.
In some cases, using this data places a burden on certain drivers to pay more for insurance than others.
It was always believed that women had to pay more for insurance because men are better drivers.
However, this perception may not necessarily be the cause of more expensive car insurance for women.
This misconception is largely a fabled part of the past since insurance providers are now more competitive and more informed to the fact that women are equally, and in some case more responsible than men when it comes to driving.
The trite saying that men perform better behind the wheel than women was the basis behind the belief that car insurance for women is more costly.
Actually a recent Carnegie-Mellon investigation revealed quite a different result concerning the controversy of men vs.
women drivers.
A result of the data was that a man has a 50% greater chance than a woman to be involved in a fatal accident.
A deeper look at the figures from another study revealed that while nearly 70% of women have never had a traffic violation, the figure for men was slightly less than 65%.
An additional result of the study was the amount of multiple violations.
The question revealed that men have received multiple citations 10% more often than women.
There are car insurance companies that have special programs catering specifically to car insurance for women.
This eliminates the possibility that a woman will pay a higher rate than a man will simply because of her gender.
By setting up special programs, these companies are becoming more viable in providing car insurance for women.
If you believe that car insurance for women is higher, you should consider the fact the insurance companies target young men as the riskiest of drivers.
You can simply find out how your rates compare to other drivers by checking out a free web quote offered by may insurance companies.
You will find that car insurance for women is in most cases less than the same class for men.
Even though a widespread viewpoint is that men are better drivers, the insurance companies do not tend to follow this flawed logic.
Although insurance providers use demographics and gender as a consideration, the mere fact that one is a man or woman is only one factor in determining the amount of that person's premium.