Nummular Eczema in Children
- Nummular eczema is a skin condition that causes round patches of raised bumps to form on the body. These patches can be extremely itchy.
- There are no specific causes of nummular eczema, but triggers include itchy clothes, known allergens and bacterial infections. Changing soaps or detergents can sometimes cause an outbreak in a child, as can the use of new lotions or medications.
- No cure exists for nummular eczema, but it is possible to treat the symptoms. Over-the-counter and prescription medications that are both oral and topical may be used. Keeping the child's skin moist can also alleviate itching.
- Baths in lukewarm water tend to be the most soothing without drying the skin out. Pat the child dry, and apply moisturizer while the skin is still damp.
- Medications commonly used by adults sometimes have more intense side effects in children. For example, in prolonged, intense use, some steroids might affect a child's growth. Finding a dermatologist who is familiar with eczema treatment in children will allow this condition to be properly examined.