Technology Networking & Internet

Top 6 Benefits of Enterprise Hosting

Enterprise hosting can help you reduce burden on your IT resources by hosting, managing and optimizing your IT infrastructure, enabling it to cater to your demanding and evolving business needs. Buying enterprise hosting services from an external service provider can save you loads of time, money and manpower. Enterprise hosting includes deployment, configuration, management, backups and troubleshooting to ensure that your IT infrastructure gets 100% uptime.

Here are top six reasons that make sense to buy enterprise hosting services for your organization:

Security: The incidents of identity thefts, security breaches and dangerous viruses are increasing day-by-day. Your network can be an easy target for different kind of on-line attacks. A simple firewall is not enough. The network, applications, servers etc. should be secure with all kind of full-proof measures. Enterprise hosting would ensure that you access a dedicated team of security professionals round the clock guarding your network and making sure that there are no security breaks. You get 24x7 monitoring and management of server hardware and operating system.  

Scalability to Add New Capabilities: The ability to add or reduce hardware, software, additional servers, and other key IT components at short notice according to the changing needs of business can be a big push for choosing enterprise hosting. An enterprise host enables you to upgrade the system and help you handle the load required.

Availability: To run a business smoothly you need the ‘always-running' network, applications, maximum server uptime and quick retrieval of information. Many companies loose their business because of high downtime and lack of applications availability. Your enterprise hosting provider offers you enhanced network connectivity and improved server functioning.  

Superior Performance: The performance of your entire IT infrastructure would determine how much productive your business is. Enterprise IT hosting ensures that your business-critical IT infrastructure performs well and meets current business needs and future demand. With Enterprise hosting you can get a complete picture of your IT assets with both a macro view and micro view.

Dedicated Account Manager: Enterprise hosting solutions would bring you one dedicated account manager who will workas your Single Point of Contact. This facility is provided to ensure direct communication with a person who understand your business, and recommend right solutions based on your business needs.

Better Resource Utilization: Managing the IT infrastructure on your own can be very tedious work and keep occupied man y resources. Hiring Enterprise hosting services from a veteran enterprise hosting provider like NaviSite would free up your IT resources to work on your core business needs, and improve your business agility. You would now get access to best-of-breed hosting experts round the clock to spur better resource utilization.

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