Business & Finance Corporations

Dispel Limiting Beliefs by Answering These 2 Questions

If Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back, Ask Yourself These 2 Questions! Question #1 What is the Worse thing that could happen to me if this doesn't work out? A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind - Elly Roselle If you find yourself stuck between the excitement of starting a new business and the fear and angst of not knowing what to expect, you are in exactly the same place as many others that have gone before you in the Network Marketing Industry.
The best way to fight the Fear is to become educated.
You must perform your due diligence to Discover the real true picture of Online Business and Network Marketing.
The truth unfortunately is that 95% of all home base businesses fail in the first 5 years.
There is no overnight money making secret that is available to some and not others, that catapults them on toward success and greatness and helps dissipate their limiting beliefs.
Only extremely hard work, clear and direct strategy, ongoing personal development and ACTION on an ongoing basis will effect a positive outcome.
If you are armed with all of the information available on the Network Marketing Industry and you know deep in your heart that your desire to succeed outweighs your fear of Failure then we can look at the answer to the first Question.
What is the worse thing that could happen to me if this doesn't work out? If you are a driven, passionate entrepreneur that is dedicated to taking all the right steps in creating your business, then you will know that it is important to have a monthly budget to guide your expenditures.
If you plow through your budget with no positive revenue producing results and can't afford to take your business further...
What is the worse thing that could happen?
  • You have run out of money and have to explain to your friends and family why and how this exciting new business opportunity hasn't worked out for you.
  • You have to be honest with yourself that maybe you are not cut out for this network marketing/online business opportunity.
  • You have to recommit to making it work at the place you are currently employed or returning to a traditional employment situation.
  • You have to make larger payments to pay off the credit cards or credit line that you used to support your new business endeavour.
bottom line, if you fail, you will more than likely return to the way of life that you had prior to beginning your Home Based Business Experience with a renewed sense of contentment in your current employment situation and knowing that you did all that was in your power to change your life circumstance.
Question #2 What is the Alternative? When you are allowing your Limiting Beliefs to control your emotion in deciding whether or not you should make the commitment to this new business opportunity...
Ask yourself what the alternative is if you don't make the decision to go through with it.
  • You will remain in a job that you don't enjoy, under the thumb of a manager or superior who makes more money than you do for less work and less time invested.
  • You will remain complacent about not having enough money to spend the time and do the things that you've always dreamed of doing with your family because you can't afford to.
  • You will have to work until you are too old to really enjoy retirement the way you should.
  • You will look back on your life and regret not taking the chance to change your path and take control of your destiny when you had the opportunity to do so.
Limiting Beliefs are extremely powerful emotions whether they have come directly from your past experiences or from the advice and opinions of others.
The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made.
It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs.
- John Dewey I did not write this article to sway you in one direction or the other, only to have you investigate thoroughly your inner most thoughts, passions and dreams to determine the reality of your situation.
If you will look back on these life decisions at a later date and regret that you allowed your limiting beliefs to decide your future without investigating the full impact of an uninformed decision, then you may feel that you missed the boat because of your fear to act.
Fear can only be released by education and enlightenment.
Now in saying all of this, I believe that the only way that you will fail in online business is if you give up.
Many Online Marketers let their limiting beliefs lead them to a place of hopelessness and inability to ACT, when in many cases they were very close to realizing their first real success.
It is important to celebrate all victories and accomplishments, no matter how small and understand that it takes time to create an effective Brand, marketing system and the skills required to take your business to the top.
A man can be as great as he wants to be.
If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.
- Vince Lombardi Don't Let Limiting Beliefs Limit Your Dreams!

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