Feng Shui in the Kitchen
In feng shui the kitchen is where the heart is and it represents nourishment and prosperity so you have good energy ('chi) in your kitchen, which is very important.
Believers in feng shui feel that how you decorate and design your kitchen can influence the prosperity and health of all living in that home.
Something to bear in mind when decorating or taking feng shui advice, is that there are many different schools of thought and it is a complex practise, so some recommendations and ideas will vary from school to school and from one practitioner to another.
The advice may also differ according to who lives within the home and according to the home itself.
With that being said though, there are some basic feng shui principles that apply to all kitchens.
The placement of the kitchen is particularly important.
It should ideally be at the back of the house and the back or front doors should not open into the kitchen as this affects the 'chi' or energy of the kitchen.
If the kitchen is in the front of your home and facing a front door this is believed to kill any positive energy from entering into the home and this can bring illness and misfortune to those living in the house.
However, if the kitchen is in the front of the house, there are some things that can be done to help take care of this.
Try hanging some beaded curtains or sheer curtains over the kitchen door.
The kitchen should face to the east so that the morning sun and positive energy or 'chi' can filter through and be absorbed into house in the early hours of the morning.
This will also promote the element that is represented in the kitchen, this being the fire element.
Some other things to consider when doing your kitchen according to feng shui are: •Don't place the sink or the refrigeration beside the oven and the water element (from the sink and the refrigerator extinguishes the beneficial fire energy from the oven.
•Keep pantry doors closed at all times.
•The cabinets must be free of clutter as a disorganized, cluttered cabinet symbolizes extra problems and burdens in your home.
•Don't place the kitchen underneath an upstairs bathroom or facing a toilet as the water and waste will destroy the energy.
•Make sure the living room, dining room and kitchen are on the same levels.
•Don't let dirty dishes pile up.
•Don't leave brooms or mops out store these in a closet with a closed door.
•The shape of the kitchen layout should be rectangular try to avoid having a rounded shaped kitchen.
•Don't hang a towel through the oven handle.
•If there is a laundry area located in or next to the kitchen, do not allow dirty clothes to pile up.
•According to feng shui,filling the kitchen with fresh food will give you emotional and nutritional health, so have some fresh fruit in a bowl on the counter to help gather good energy.
•All knives and cutlery should not be seen, unless you are using it.
Anything sharp represents the cutting of good energy in the home and therefore should not be on display at all in the kitchen.
•By providing a sitting area in the kitchen this symbolizes the support from your friends and family and where ever love and support is there is always good energy that is attached to it.
•By hanging mirrors in the kitchen so that their may appear that there are more burners is believed to increase wealth and finances.
•Copper pans and pots are also said to attract positive 'chi' or energy.
•Potted plants or herbs put out facing south or east is believed to bring prosperity.
•Colors to use in the kitchen according to feng shui are red, yellow and green.
•The stove location should face the living room or dining room when using it.
In feng shui, it is believed that the frequent use of the stove symbolizes potential growth in all aspects of life.
In feng shui, it is believed, that the more your kitchen is clean, welcoming and warm, the more well rounded and healthy you are.
Believers in feng shui feel that how you decorate and design your kitchen can influence the prosperity and health of all living in that home.
Something to bear in mind when decorating or taking feng shui advice, is that there are many different schools of thought and it is a complex practise, so some recommendations and ideas will vary from school to school and from one practitioner to another.
The advice may also differ according to who lives within the home and according to the home itself.
With that being said though, there are some basic feng shui principles that apply to all kitchens.
The placement of the kitchen is particularly important.
It should ideally be at the back of the house and the back or front doors should not open into the kitchen as this affects the 'chi' or energy of the kitchen.
If the kitchen is in the front of your home and facing a front door this is believed to kill any positive energy from entering into the home and this can bring illness and misfortune to those living in the house.
However, if the kitchen is in the front of the house, there are some things that can be done to help take care of this.
Try hanging some beaded curtains or sheer curtains over the kitchen door.
The kitchen should face to the east so that the morning sun and positive energy or 'chi' can filter through and be absorbed into house in the early hours of the morning.
This will also promote the element that is represented in the kitchen, this being the fire element.
Some other things to consider when doing your kitchen according to feng shui are: •Don't place the sink or the refrigeration beside the oven and the water element (from the sink and the refrigerator extinguishes the beneficial fire energy from the oven.
•Keep pantry doors closed at all times.
•The cabinets must be free of clutter as a disorganized, cluttered cabinet symbolizes extra problems and burdens in your home.
•Don't place the kitchen underneath an upstairs bathroom or facing a toilet as the water and waste will destroy the energy.
•Make sure the living room, dining room and kitchen are on the same levels.
•Don't let dirty dishes pile up.
•Don't leave brooms or mops out store these in a closet with a closed door.
•The shape of the kitchen layout should be rectangular try to avoid having a rounded shaped kitchen.
•Don't hang a towel through the oven handle.
•If there is a laundry area located in or next to the kitchen, do not allow dirty clothes to pile up.
•According to feng shui,filling the kitchen with fresh food will give you emotional and nutritional health, so have some fresh fruit in a bowl on the counter to help gather good energy.
•All knives and cutlery should not be seen, unless you are using it.
Anything sharp represents the cutting of good energy in the home and therefore should not be on display at all in the kitchen.
•By providing a sitting area in the kitchen this symbolizes the support from your friends and family and where ever love and support is there is always good energy that is attached to it.
•By hanging mirrors in the kitchen so that their may appear that there are more burners is believed to increase wealth and finances.
•Copper pans and pots are also said to attract positive 'chi' or energy.
•Potted plants or herbs put out facing south or east is believed to bring prosperity.
•Colors to use in the kitchen according to feng shui are red, yellow and green.
•The stove location should face the living room or dining room when using it.
In feng shui, it is believed that the frequent use of the stove symbolizes potential growth in all aspects of life.
In feng shui, it is believed, that the more your kitchen is clean, welcoming and warm, the more well rounded and healthy you are.