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5 Most Common Mistakes New Affiliate Marketers Make

You've just signed up for a fantastic brand new affiliate program. They have impressive products, free referral websites, training, pre-made ads for you to emulate and the top compensation plan online. This is the greatest affiliate program available online! Position a few ads out there and you'll be on your way to becoming the next internet millionaire. Right?

Prior to breaking ground on that huge mansion on the hill, these are some mistakes many inexperienced affiliate marketers make that you'll need to avoid.

5. Getting caught up in the hype

Yes, that means the hype built up by your own program. These earnings projections that every program makes are exactly that, projections. You may take home that amount. Will you within your initial couple of months promoting program? Most likely no. This is not a way to get rich quick, but a long term investment in your future. Believe in yourself and your ability to succedd. But do not believe the hype.

4. Expecting immediate results with minor effort

Every business requires work. So expect to work it on a daily basis. If you opened your own corner store, wouldn't you expect to have to go in to work daily? You'd expect the need to advertise and persuade people to shop at your store. Well, you simply opened your own online super store, what will you do to make it work? How are you going to persuade people to come look at your product?

3. Lack of a strategy and detailed goals

Have you ever heard the saying, plan your work and work your plan? You should have a specific plan and clear, assessable goals. Many individuals join affiliate programs with the general goal of wanting to earn a lot of money. How much money? How quickly do you want it? (Try to be realistic here, making a million dollars in one month is not realistic.) all right, you have your clear, definite goal. Now how are you going to archive it. Again, think clear, precise steps here.

2. Advertising your affiliate link

Hang on a second, if you don't advertise your affiliate link, how are you expected to acquire sales and down line members? Build your own website that contains a link to your affiliate program. Each affiliate for your program uses the same website that you do. You need to be able to set yourself apart from everybody else. The best way to accomplish that is with your own website.

1. Quitting

You've been promoting your affiliate program for 2, 3, or even 4 months so far with very nothing to show for it. You're becoming discouraged and starting to wonder if this is worth it after all. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and figure out what you are doing wrong. Study more. Knowledge is the key to success. Don't quit. No one ever achieved success by quitting. Neither will you.

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