How to contact the kingdom of heaven within you
From here to infinity. From infinity to here. Life is Cosmic, Eternal, Unbounded, and so is
Humankind. Man's full mental potential is infinite. We all know that Man is created in the image and likeness of God. We also know that the entire Kingdom of God is within us,
but where within? And if it is within us, how can we contact that glorious
source of all intelligence, energy and creativity, and make use of it in daily life, to nourish, support, and uphold every intention, thought, word and action. How can we adjust our lives and live in tune with the Will of God, the laws of nature that manage and uphold
order in the entire creation. How can human beings, created in the image and likeness of God, live in tune with Him?
Just think for a moment, before God there was nothing, after God there will be nothing. He created creation from Himself. Mankind is part of creation. Who is Mankind?
My message to you is that we can experience the Kingdom of
God within ourselves, and live according to God's laws in an automatic way, a
complete way. How do we know that we are not living according to the Will of God? We know that when we see people living in suffering, and diseases, addiction, hatred and unhappiness. When we see young people going astray long before the end of primary school, we know that something is desperately wrong.
How do we put things right? What can we do? Let's go back to
source. If we are made in the image of God, the Original is the Source in whose
image we are created, The direction points to the Kingdom of God Within. And when we are told to first seek that Kingdom, and all else will be made right, we have our answer.
It is now up to us to find out where within us that Kingdom
is, and how to get there. We have a clue, Christ said, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. He also said, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all else will be added unto thee. What points to where the kingdom is, is the sentence; Be still and know that I am God. So we
know that there is something about stillness to experience that closeness with God.
When we are still, just sitting still in deep rest, or deep meditation, the mind is settling down, less and less thoughts, more and more inner peace, our awareness opens up to a whole new world of peace and tranquility within. The body experiences deep rest, and deep-rooted stresses are released.
Stresses prevent us from going within, because stress is opposite to rest. The more stresses we release, the more expanded our awareness becomes, the deeper our comprehension, the more energy and creativity we have, and the more intelligent we become. With this
improved functioning of body and mind, we can appreciate and understand God
more. We can appreciate and understand Nature and others more. We become better
persons, more useful to ourselves, and our society. We are on our way to creating a better world.
As stresses fall off, illnesses disappear, anger, bad feelings and negativity
disappear, we experience better health and we make a greater contribution to
the world around us. We become agents of peace, indeed units of world
This is the work we have ahead of us. We are the ones, every
one of us, who brought the world to the state it is in now, by our every
negative thought, word, deed, and intention, and we are the ones who are going
to bring back positivity to the world, by eliminating our own deep-rooted stresses, developing higher states of consciousness, becoming more peaceful within day by day, and becoming
more tolerant and appreciative of others.
Then our every thought, word, deed, intention and decision will be
positive. Only peaceful individuals can create a world of peace. Only green
trees can create a green forest.
Transcendental Meditation is a unique, simple, natural, mental technique, which allows the mind to settle down in an effortless, natural way. The mind experiences subtler and more profound states of thought, while the body experiences deeper and deeper states of rest. The result is stillness in body and mind, elimination of stress which gives clarity of mind, greater
energy, better health and great relief from most stress-related illnesses.
The world has tried lots of things in the past, and we've had all sorts of results, and now we know, that only a new seed will yield a new crop. Through these articles let us explore the possibility of finding the Kingdom of Heaven within us.
Dr. John Lucia (PhD)
From here to infinity. From infinity to here. Life is Cosmic, Eternal, Unbounded, and so is
Humankind. Man's full mental potential is infinite. We all know that Man is created in the image and likeness of God. We also know that the entire Kingdom of God is within us,
but where within? And if it is within us, how can we contact that glorious
source of all intelligence, energy and creativity, and make use of it in daily life, to nourish, support, and uphold every intention, thought, word and action. How can we adjust our lives and live in tune with the Will of God, the laws of nature that manage and uphold
order in the entire creation. How can human beings, created in the image and likeness of God, live in tune with Him?
Just think for a moment, before God there was nothing, after God there will be nothing. He created creation from Himself. Mankind is part of creation. Who is Mankind?
My message to you is that we can experience the Kingdom of
God within ourselves, and live according to God's laws in an automatic way, a
complete way. How do we know that we are not living according to the Will of God? We know that when we see people living in suffering, and diseases, addiction, hatred and unhappiness. When we see young people going astray long before the end of primary school, we know that something is desperately wrong.
How do we put things right? What can we do? Let's go back to
source. If we are made in the image of God, the Original is the Source in whose
image we are created, The direction points to the Kingdom of God Within. And when we are told to first seek that Kingdom, and all else will be made right, we have our answer.
It is now up to us to find out where within us that Kingdom
is, and how to get there. We have a clue, Christ said, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. He also said, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all else will be added unto thee. What points to where the kingdom is, is the sentence; Be still and know that I am God. So we
know that there is something about stillness to experience that closeness with God.
When we are still, just sitting still in deep rest, or deep meditation, the mind is settling down, less and less thoughts, more and more inner peace, our awareness opens up to a whole new world of peace and tranquility within. The body experiences deep rest, and deep-rooted stresses are released.
Stresses prevent us from going within, because stress is opposite to rest. The more stresses we release, the more expanded our awareness becomes, the deeper our comprehension, the more energy and creativity we have, and the more intelligent we become. With this
improved functioning of body and mind, we can appreciate and understand God
more. We can appreciate and understand Nature and others more. We become better
persons, more useful to ourselves, and our society. We are on our way to creating a better world.
As stresses fall off, illnesses disappear, anger, bad feelings and negativity
disappear, we experience better health and we make a greater contribution to
the world around us. We become agents of peace, indeed units of world
This is the work we have ahead of us. We are the ones, every
one of us, who brought the world to the state it is in now, by our every
negative thought, word, deed, and intention, and we are the ones who are going
to bring back positivity to the world, by eliminating our own deep-rooted stresses, developing higher states of consciousness, becoming more peaceful within day by day, and becoming
more tolerant and appreciative of others.
Then our every thought, word, deed, intention and decision will be
positive. Only peaceful individuals can create a world of peace. Only green
trees can create a green forest.
Transcendental Meditation is a unique, simple, natural, mental technique, which allows the mind to settle down in an effortless, natural way. The mind experiences subtler and more profound states of thought, while the body experiences deeper and deeper states of rest. The result is stillness in body and mind, elimination of stress which gives clarity of mind, greater
energy, better health and great relief from most stress-related illnesses.
The world has tried lots of things in the past, and we've had all sorts of results, and now we know, that only a new seed will yield a new crop. Through these articles let us explore the possibility of finding the Kingdom of Heaven within us.
Dr. John Lucia (PhD)