Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

I Haven"t Spoken to My Ex Girlfriend In a Month - Can I Still Get Her Back?

Most men look at situations like these backwards. They think that right after a break up, the best thing to do is to remain in constant contact with their ex girlfriend. You should know that most guys don't get back with an ex girlfriend and one of the reasons is BECAUSE they see things backwards. While you might be feeling as though not speaking to your ex girlfriend in a month is a bad thing, a lot of the time, it will actually prove to be a good thing. Why is that and can you still get her back if you have not spoken to one another in a month?

Let's tackle the reason why it is actually a GOOD THING that you haven't spoken to her in a while first.

When most guys deal with an ex girlfriend, they come from a place of being hurt or feeling rejected. So, they usually end up saying things that they regret later on or they say things that make their ex girlfriend end up hating them. In short, they end up making it next to impossible to win back their ex girlfriend because they are still so emotional about the break up and they are not thinking clearly.

When some time has passed, you are a lot more likely to feel less emotional and you are a lot less likely to end up saying things that you are going to later regret. You are more likely to come across in a much better light and as a result, you are going to have a better chance of starting things off right if you are trying to win her back.

Now, let's get to the question of can you win her back after a month of not speaking to one another and the answer to that is: Yes.

You can.

While a month can certainly seem like FOREVER, it's really not that long of a time to go without talking to your ex girlfriend. Like I explained before, it can actually put you in a much better position to try to win her back. What you are going to have to do is to find a way to INITIATE contact with your ex girlfriend in such a way that she wants to talk to you again.

If you can do this, then getting her back probably is going to be what happens, as long as you don't mess things up along the way.

One of the things that you are going to have to keep in mind is that being PATIENT and making the RIGHT moves is what is going to make it happen for you. The moment you start making the wrong moves or acting really impatient, that is when you are going to find that it becomes DIFFICULT to win her back.

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