Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

IPhone Music Downloads - Sad Songs Say So Much

The sun is shining, the birds singing, and the spring flowers and trees are blooming.
But I am sad.
Life takes a turn and sometimes the outcome is not what you hoped it would be.
So I turn on the music.
There are songs that speak the words that I cannot express, sometimes allowing me to cry and get some of the hurt and problems off my chest.
Sometimes the notes and rhythms will take me to a place where there are no problems, where there is peace and harmony, where the tension of a minor chord reconciles into a peaceful ending.
Music and the masters who create it do all of that for me.
It is there when I am happy, it is there when I am sad, it is there when I want to celebrate.
Music calms me when I am angry, lifts me when I am down, and more often than not speaks the words my heart and soul cannot form on their own.
From the time when I was a child and played 33 and 45rpm vinyl on an old console record player to today with my iPod Shuffle, iTunes on my computer and the iPod built into my iPhone, music is with me no matter where I am and what I am doing, and you can be sure it is feeding my heart and soul what ever it may be needing at the time.
My favorites that are loaded into all my 'players' are first and foremost Elton John, plus The Eagles, Jackson Browne, The Doobie Brothers, Little River Band, Jimmy Buffett and others.
I have also loaded in some musical soundtracks such as Aida and CDs that were recorded by some good friends featuring their expertise in fiddling, guitar and mandolin playing, and singing folk, blues and country music.
Though I am not a musician (I took piano for several years as a child but can barely plunk out a song today) I thoroughly enjoy the music of others on so many levels and I cannot imagine my life without music in it.
The internet is a fabulous and unlimited source of music.
Music downloads are today what 45's were when I was a kid.
No shelving space need as was required for your stacks of albums, no wild colored vinyl cases with handles for all your cassettes, and no towers needed for all the CDs, simply download all your favorites right to you iPod or iPhone.
You are limited only by the space allowed on these miraculous little machines.
Whether you are happy and want to celebrate, sad and need to wallow, stressed and need to mellow out turn on your music and let the sounds take you where you can find what you need.

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