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Tips to Save Money on Gas

These days gas is so high that it seems like heaven when it went for $2 per gallon.
Now at $4 per gallon, it really feels like someone's sticking you up whenever you drive your car into the gas station.
Everyone wants to find surefire ways to save big on gas.
There are a number of ways that you can save money on gas and take charge of what you spend.
1) Cut down on using your car.
This is the number way that you can save big on gas.
Commute if you must.
Walk to work if its near.
When you go out, try to do all your errands in the same place.
This means grocery shopping, banking, whatever you need to do for that day.
2) If you live near work, why not walk or bike to work? This can benefit your health as well as your wallet.
3) Shop around for a gas credit card.
Most gas credit cards offer rebates or cash backs of around 2% to 10%, depending on the provider.
This means that as you fill up at the stations, you can save a lot of money every month that can add up to thousands of dollars per year.
4) Keep your car well maintained.
This is one way to save on gas.
Make sure that your tire air is the right proportion for you car.
A well kept engine utilizes fuel better.
5) Consider using a lighter car.
If you're using an SUV at the moment, why not try a smaller, more compact car? These cars use less gas per mile than gas guzzling SUVS.
6) Try driving below or around 60mph.
Driving fast wastes gas.
Braking hard also wastes gas.
7) Don't idle.
Even when your car is not moving, if it's on, it wastes gas.
So if you're in a spot for more than a few minutes, turn that engine off.
8) Get gas on Wednesday and on days when it's low.
Gas prices are lower on Wednesday.
If you can, get gas on those days when the price drops.
Avoid filling up on holidays because gas prices usually go up then.
If you can't help it, try going for a full tank two to three days before that holiday weekend.
9) Avoid long trips.
If you must go out of state or commute for more than a few hours, try taking a bus or even using a train.
This will save you a lot of money in the long run.
10) Avoid traffic jams.
Leave earlier for work.
Traffic jams waste your gas because you'll be stuck in long lines that move forward at a snail's pace.
11) Ask you boss about employee gas allowances.
They might be a benefit that you haven't considered in the past.
Your boss might also provide additional benefits for employees who give up their cars to commute to work.
12) Carpool.
It's one of the easiest ways to save on gas.
Plus, you might make a couple of new friends along the way.
Ask your co-workers who you know live in your area.
These are but a few of the ways that you can save money on gas! Take a little time to consider them and happy saving!

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