Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Candida Albicans Symptoms

Candida albicans (monilia) is a fungus that all humans have on their skin.
Normally it is fine to have it on your skin but when there is a change in your body environment it can start to grow out of control.
This article will explain the most common candida albicans symptoms.
The most common cause of getting candida albicans is because you use antibiotics.
They usually destroy some of the good microorganisms in your body and this can allow the candida albicans to grow out of portion.
What happens then is that the candida albicans grow into candidiasis moniliasis, which is another word for yeast infection.
The most common candida albicans symptoms are the following: Tongue Small blisters on your tongue that appears to be white or blue-white.
Vagina White or yellow discharges from your vagina or vulva, you will also feel a burning and itching sensation when you pee.
Penis Swollen head of the penis and added pain and a burning feeling.
Fingernails Red and painful swellings around your fingernails.
Bloodstream If the candida albicans infects your bloodstream it can become very serious.
If can infect many kinds of organs if it get into your blood.
If it gets to the kidneys you will notice blood in the urine.
If it infects your heart it can cause valve damage.
In the lungs you will notice blood in your saliva.
If it gets to your eyes you will notice a blurry vision and some pain.
The worst thing is if it reaches your brain it can change your mental functions and behavior.
This is why many people who suffer from candida albicans gets the wrong diagnose since they act like they are drug addicts or alcoholics.
I hope you now have learned the most common candida albicans symptoms and if you have any of the symptoms don't hesitate to visit a doctor or try to cure it.
It is important to not wait too long as it might spread in your blood.
When you first discover it take action.
I would advice to first try some of the most popular remedies to try and cure it and if that doesn't work I would visit a doctor.

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