Business & Finance Debt

Credit Card Debt, Sound Familiar?

Once upon a time I was deep in credit card debt, afraid, with no one to turn to.
Late fees, increased interest rates and penalties took my sleep away, sound familiar? The years of spending had finally caught up with me and it was time to face the music, a broken down bank account and no debt relief in sight, I turned to debt settlement for my answer.
It was a dark forecast, a rough and bumpy road ahead of me, cutting back on spending and trimming excess expenditures off my agenda.
Speaking to a debt settlement counselor helped, it helped place my needs into perspective, I was living in a dream, a make belief world I had to stop living in.
The prospect of negotiating settlements with my original creditors scared me.
My debt counselor assured me it would be hard, it would be long, but it would be rewarding and it would be the only way out of my troubled debt.
Credit card debt settlement became an obsession, I took on three different jobs, full-time, part-time and weekend job.
My years of financial irresponsibility had finally caught up with me, now it was time to write a full fledge hardship letter and face the music as I mentioned before.
My debt arbitrator went into action and as forecasted my by debt counselor it was a long hard road back, my first account took about three months to settle as I accumulated funds to finance my debt settlement adventure.
One after one my accounts were settled as fast as I could accumulate funds in order to avoid any type of legal action from my creditors, some accounts ended up with collection agencies, but as one settlement letter came in one after another; the noose around my neck felt looser.
It was a long and hard road back to financial freedom, without the help of a debt settlement program I could not have done it.
All my accounts were either settled with my original creditors or collection agencies, the long hard debt negotiations paid off.
The extra work put in, the hours speaking to my debt settlement advisers, all the knowledge, I know I could not have done it without them.
I could breathe once more, the debt noose around my neck was now loose, once upon a time I was deep in credit card debt, afraid, with no one to turn to.
Late fees, increased interest rates and penalties took my sleep away, sound familiar? Take hold of your finances, start by setting a strict budget, get rid of unnecessary expenditures, educate your children; teach them to save, to become responsible for their decisions.
Remember, the decisions we make today, will shape our tomorrow, credit cards can be a dangerous trap and lead us into destruction.
Set-up a plan for a healthy future, save, invest and prepare; find a financial analyst that can help you, make wise decisions with your Money.
Avoid the debt trap by recognizing the dangers and obstacles of credit card debt.

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