Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Workout Tips for Girls

    Choose The Right Activities

    • Cycling is a great all-round exercise.girl cycling image by Accent from

      The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that girls aged between 10 and 16 have at least 60 minutes of medium-intensity fitness per day. Group fitness classes, such as dancing and gymnastics, or community clubs like cross-country running, are ideal ways for girls to keep fit and help develop important social skills at the same time. If it is safe to cycle a short distance to school and back, this could be the perfect daily workout for a young girl.

    Make Working Out Fun

    Don't Overdo It

    • Young girls who over-train are at risk of health problems, insomnia, irritability and depression. While keeping fit is important, undesirable results are girls who become obsessed with their body shape, appearance or weight, which can cause long-term issues with food and body image. If you are the parent of a girl working out, monitor her levels of activity and remember that walking, playing in the back yard and doing household chores all count towards the recommended 60 minutes per day. An active, healthy young girl who takes part in physical education classes at school should not be concerned about adding a large amount of working out to her routine.

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