Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Five Tips to Help You Look For a Lap Band Surgeon Online

If you are trying to do research for a Lap-Band surgeon online, it is very easy to get overwhelmed.
If you do a Google search for "different types of weight loss surgeries", you will find over a million sites.
Granted that most of them will be irrelevant, but here are 5 ways that you can flush out the bad sites and ones that have a different agenda other than to help you make an informed decision.
Is the site pushing one surgery over another? If they are, then this is not a site that you should use to help make up your mind.
It is probably put up by a doctor's office trying to drum up business by pretending to help you make an informed decision.
If it is a doctor's page that you are looking at, does he/she do several types of surgery or just one? Taking a step back from point #1 above, there are doctor's sites out there that truly do want you as a patient to make an informed decision.
But, if they only do one type of surgery, then be very aware that the information that they give might be slanted toward the surgery that they perform.
Does the site look professional? Look for a site that has misspellings and generally looks unprofessional.
This should be a clue that it might not be something that you would want to use to make a life altering decision.
Does the site seem to have an "agenda" other than to help and inform you? You will find sites out there that seem to push you into some sort of a weight-loss program "before" the surgery.
Just be on the lookout for these.
Does the site try and create a sense of urgency? Surgery is a big deal and reputable sites realize this and give you objective information and do not try and rush you into anything.
There are actually sites out there that are put up by people that are essentially an agent for a particular doctor.
They get paid a commission to get you to have surgery with a specific doctor.
Commissioned salesmen for cars, jewelry and televisions are one thing, but for a surgery - that is just wrong!

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