A Bigger Size Penis Through Exercise - Is It Possible?
Is there really a way to get a bigger size penis through exercises? Well, in reality medical professionals have known for years that you can.
The penis actually has two main muscles, the Ischio Cavernous (IC) and the Bulbo Cavernous (BC).
The two muscles of the penis are the same as any other voluntary muscle, they can be worked out to increase their strength and size.
Two other things to remember are that there is a spongy tunnel in the penis which absorbs the blood and is responsible for erections.
This can be stretched to improve length and width.
Also, there is a ligament called the PC ligament which runs from the pubic bone and attaches itself at the top of the penis shaft only about a quarter of the way down.
This is actually what holds the penis onto your body.
When a man gets penis enlargement surgery, this ligament is cut and repositioned far above it's normal spot.
This adds length but can cause impotence and other problems.
As so many men are desperate for a solution to a problem that hurts self esteem and can be debilitating, this article was written to give you some ways to naturally enlarge your penis while at the same time increasing the size of your erections and giving you more control over ejaculation.
Here are the recommended increase penis size exercises:
However, look carefully for reviews and quality products.
There are really only two on the market that fit that bill and can increase penis size.
The penis actually has two main muscles, the Ischio Cavernous (IC) and the Bulbo Cavernous (BC).
The two muscles of the penis are the same as any other voluntary muscle, they can be worked out to increase their strength and size.
Two other things to remember are that there is a spongy tunnel in the penis which absorbs the blood and is responsible for erections.
This can be stretched to improve length and width.
Also, there is a ligament called the PC ligament which runs from the pubic bone and attaches itself at the top of the penis shaft only about a quarter of the way down.
This is actually what holds the penis onto your body.
When a man gets penis enlargement surgery, this ligament is cut and repositioned far above it's normal spot.
This adds length but can cause impotence and other problems.
As so many men are desperate for a solution to a problem that hurts self esteem and can be debilitating, this article was written to give you some ways to naturally enlarge your penis while at the same time increasing the size of your erections and giving you more control over ejaculation.
Here are the recommended increase penis size exercises:
- Kegel Contractions- Used for a number of years, this involves sitting on a small ball such as a tennis ball between the testicles and anus.
Contract the anus and muscles you would cut off urination with for a full three minutes.
Hold each contraction strongly for 10 seconds.
This willhelp with premature ejaculation as well as give you a bigger size penis. - PC Ligament Stretch- To begin with, you will need to be in a semi erect state.
Use your thumb and middle finger to form a ring around the penis.
Beginning close to your body, slowly tighten the ring finger and move it toward the head of the penis.
You will notice the increased blood moving toward the head increasing the erection.
Hold this for 10 seconds.
Now, pull slowly and gently away from you.
Be easy, don't jerk or tug.
This will eventually stretch the PC ligament and break up scar tissue inside the spongy cavity that prevents blood from entering. - Wake Ups- Start on the edge of a chair.
You will need to have a fully erect penis.
Using a small towel, make the erection stand all of the way up against the resistance of the towel.
Hold this for 5 seconds.
Complete 7-10 reps and 4-5 sets.
As you get stronger, increase the size of the towel.
This will strengthen all of the muscles in the penis along with the PC ligament
However, look carefully for reviews and quality products.
There are really only two on the market that fit that bill and can increase penis size.