Health & Medical Heart Diseases

How to Raise Good Cholesterol and Increase HDL Levels Naturally

After having difficulties with your health due to high bad cholesterol, your pursuit now is to raise good cholesterol.
The HDL or good cholesterol has a good role in your circulatory system.
It cleans out the excess LDL in the blood stream and scrubs out those LDL that congests in your artery wall.
Ideally, your HDL must not go below 40 mg/dL, otherwise you will have a higher risk of having a coronary artery illness and other major health related issues.
The normal range of HDL is between 40-60 mg/dL.
But your aim is to have it higher than 60 mg/dL so that you can be protected from having heart disease.
There are natural means to raise good cholesterol.
Methods to Raise Good Cholesterol Trim down your weight.
Being obese can lower down your HDL level at the same time increase your LDL.
You don't want to have this kind of scenario, right? Because you know what it means if that is your situation now.
So if your weighing scale reflects that you are already overweight, and then by all means trim it down.
The best way to do that is to discipline your self from over-eating and impose on yourself to exercise regularly.
You need to eat foods that help you cleanse your digestive system, boost your metabolism, supply you more energy, and burn your stored fat.
Quit smoking.
Smoking does not only threaten your lungs but also your heart.
Your vascular performance is downgraded when you smoke cigarettes or tobacco.
Thus, the risk of heart disease is high for smokers, all the more if you also have a high level of LDL.
• Set up an exercise routine.
When you have a high level of LDL, you need to establish a longer routine of cardiovascular exercise.
Intensified exercise is not beneficial for you.
You do not need physical strength unless you are a wrestler or body builder.
For an ordinary individual like you who wants to stay healthy and increase HDL level, all you need is to have a longer duration of exercise.
This will strengthen your heart and improve your circulatory system.
Incorporate a natural cholesterol lowering supplement.
Given that you are now switching your old diet into a healthy one and granting that you have been more careful not to eat foods with saturated fats, still you need to nurture your body with the right amount of nutrients that it needs.
You have to take a supplement to complete the recommended amount.

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