Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

What Are My Options after a Rear End Car Accident in Orange County?

Have you ever been rear-ended by another driver? Perhaps you felt anger or fear when this accident occurred; perhaps you genuinely felt that the other driver was not to be blamed. However, rear-end car accidents are almost always judged to be the fault of the rear driver, and this means that the damages caused in a collision are the responsibility of that driver. Even if you do not believe you have suffered significant damages or injuries, talking to a auto accident lawyer in Orange County can help you clarify the issues and determine the best way to pursue payment of your expenses.

Some collision cases are very minor, involving only slight damage to your vehicle and no physical injuries whatsoever. However, many auto collisions do result in injuries. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that at least 20 percent of the victims of auto collisions suffer injuries including whiplash. Since rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident, this means that many people every year will be the victims of physical injuries from rear-end car accidents.

Speaking to an Orange County rear end car accident attorney will help you clarify the issues of your Orange County rear-end collision []. A good personal injury lawyer can explain the law involved clearly and help you determine who is at fault for your accident. Sometimes this issue is not as clear-cut as it might seem. The driver who hit you may be an employee of a company that bears some of the financial responsibility for the accident, or the driver may not be the owner of the car involved in the collision. In these cases, there are certain legal issues that arise and it helps to have an expert to help you navigate these complex problems.

An expert personal injury attorney can also help you place a monetary value on your claim. Many victims underestimate the amount to which they are entitled for their damages, and are fooled by this low figure into accepting an offer from the defendant or an insurance company for far less than the case is actually worth.

Car accidents are the most common reason for the filing of personal injury claims. In the United States, a person is involved in a car accident every half a second, and at least 38,000 of these accidents each year result in fatalities.

Talking to a personal injury lawyer will help you clarify both the facts and the value of your rear-end car accident claim. Make an appointment today for a free consultation with a professional who can help you pursue your rear-end car accident case.

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