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Different Ways of Lowering High Blood Pressure

The DASH diet requires the following:

1. Fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods should be eaten.

2. Lesser intake of foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat.

3. Eating more wheat products, poultry, fish and nuts.

4. Reduce intake of red meat and sweets.

5. Eating foods that are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The DASH diet program is proven to be effective in lowering high blood pressure. Studies show that people with hypertension who have undergone the DASH diet program reduced their blood pressure in just 1 week. Another diet is the DASH-Sodium diet. This method calls for salt intake reduction of up to 1,500mg (2 to 3 Tbsp.) of salt a day.

Less intake of salt helps in lowering high blood pressure and can also reduce risks of getting a heart attack. Sodium or salt is needed in our daily meals but we most of the time eat more than what is required. To avoid too much salt intake, please follow the guidelines below:

o Check the labels when buying foods from the grocery store. Go for low-salt cereals, crackers, spaghetti sauce and canned vegetables.

o When you feel like you are eating meals that are high in salt, neutralize it by eating high-potassium foods like fruits and vegetables.

o When eating in restaurants, you can ask the chef not to add too much salt in your food.

o When cooking your own food, you can put salt to it at the end. When you put salt in your food while cooking, the salty flavor is neutralized. This causes the salty taste to go onto the top layer.

Scientists believe that moderate intake of alcohol can be good. There have been studies showing that drinking moderately can keep a sharp mind as well lower the risk of having diabetes. However, too much of it can be harmful to your health. You should always consider the amount of alcohol that you drink plus your age and other conditions.

Another efficient way of lowering high blood pressure is to lose weight by regularly exercising. You do not really have to go to the gym everyday but you can buy exercise machines from sports shops that you can use in the comfort of your home. You can buy a cheap treadmill or stationary bicycle, or if you want you can take a walk around your neighborhood every morning. The above information serves as guidelines in lowering high blood pressure. To obtain more information about treating hypertension, it is best to consult your physician.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Hypertension and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Hypertension web site. For more articles and resources on Hypertension related topics, pulmonary and arterial hypertension, high blood pressure symptoms and treatments, natural remedies and much more visit his site at:


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