What"s the True Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery
While in the past not everyone could afford LASIK eye surgery, the price has come down enough in the past few years that this safe and effective solution to vision problems is now available to most people.
If you're thinking about having LASIK eye surgery then I'm sure you'd like to have an idea of the true cost of LASIK eye surgery.
First of all you need to understand that LASIK surgery is quoted on a per eye basis.
So when you get a quote, hear or read an advertisement you're getting the price for the LASIK procedure on just one eye.
You'll need to double that price if you're going to have the procedure done on both eyes.
Next you should know that the price of LASIK surgery varies widely based on several factors.
The most important of these is location, type of LASIK and experience of the doctor.
People on the east and west coasts of the U.
will typically find the highest prices for LASIK surgery.
That's simply to be expected since the cost of living here is higher than in other parts of the U.
In addition, you'll find that the experience and qualifications of the LASIK surgeon will inflate the price somewhat.
Perhaps the largest factor in the cost of LASIK eye surgery is the cost of the equipment.
The lasers used for LASIK are expensive, plus the eye doctors pay a royalty back to the laser manufacturer for each LASIK procedure performed.
These royalties can be quite high and since they differ for each manufacturer it's hard to say how much the royalty will be.
When all is said and done, expect to pay anywhere from $1000-2500 per eye for a good LASIK doctor using the latest LASIK technology.
Discounts on the cost of LASIK eye surgery You'll often find discounted LASIK prices advertised, but how real are these prices.
Well, they are real enough, but you should know that the majority of people won't qualify for the super low LASIK prices advertised many places.
These low prices are for the most basic LASIK procedure to correct the most basic vision problems.
If you go for a consultation based on one of these advertisements expect the price for your LASIK procedure to be higher, sometimes dramatically.
This doesn't mean that you can't get LASIK done affordably.
As LASIK prices come down it has become very affordable for most people and many LASIK clinics offer financing to make the cost of LASIK eye surgery more bearable.
In the end, the money you'll likely save on glasses and contacts over your life should more than pay for the cost of your LASIK surgery.
If you're thinking about having LASIK eye surgery then I'm sure you'd like to have an idea of the true cost of LASIK eye surgery.
First of all you need to understand that LASIK surgery is quoted on a per eye basis.
So when you get a quote, hear or read an advertisement you're getting the price for the LASIK procedure on just one eye.
You'll need to double that price if you're going to have the procedure done on both eyes.
Next you should know that the price of LASIK surgery varies widely based on several factors.
The most important of these is location, type of LASIK and experience of the doctor.
People on the east and west coasts of the U.
will typically find the highest prices for LASIK surgery.
That's simply to be expected since the cost of living here is higher than in other parts of the U.
In addition, you'll find that the experience and qualifications of the LASIK surgeon will inflate the price somewhat.
Perhaps the largest factor in the cost of LASIK eye surgery is the cost of the equipment.
The lasers used for LASIK are expensive, plus the eye doctors pay a royalty back to the laser manufacturer for each LASIK procedure performed.
These royalties can be quite high and since they differ for each manufacturer it's hard to say how much the royalty will be.
When all is said and done, expect to pay anywhere from $1000-2500 per eye for a good LASIK doctor using the latest LASIK technology.
Discounts on the cost of LASIK eye surgery You'll often find discounted LASIK prices advertised, but how real are these prices.
Well, they are real enough, but you should know that the majority of people won't qualify for the super low LASIK prices advertised many places.
These low prices are for the most basic LASIK procedure to correct the most basic vision problems.
If you go for a consultation based on one of these advertisements expect the price for your LASIK procedure to be higher, sometimes dramatically.
This doesn't mean that you can't get LASIK done affordably.
As LASIK prices come down it has become very affordable for most people and many LASIK clinics offer financing to make the cost of LASIK eye surgery more bearable.
In the end, the money you'll likely save on glasses and contacts over your life should more than pay for the cost of your LASIK surgery.