Technology Electronics

Difference Between Poly & Mono Ringtones

    How Tones Work

    • Mono and poly tones both operate on the same basic principle. Both styles emit a synthesized tone to emulate the song or beat. The tone is played at different frequencies to emulate the sound of the song, and different speeds to emulate the beat. The speed and quality depend entirely on the type of tone, the tone type determines the capabilities.

    Mono Ringtones

    • A mono ringtone is the most basic form of ringtone. It produces a single tone at a time. Mono ringtones are very clear-sounding, yet sound like only one instrument or beat at a time. This style of tone is not often found on newer phones, which normally support poly tones and real tones.

    Poly Ringtones

    • Poly ringtones are somewhat similar to mono ringtones. They emit the same type of tone, but in a different manner. Whereas the mono ringtone can only play one tone at a time, the poly ringtone can support multiple tones at the same time, on different frequencies and in different styles. The tones are also considered to be of higher quality, as some versions can even make sounds similar to the actual instruments used in the original song. Poly ringtones will not, however, support voices or actual audio samples for playback.

    Real Ringtones

    • Real ringtones support actual audio samples to play the music. That means that these tones are also able to produce vocals, along with music. This is the highest grade of ringtone, having the best quality and the most realistic sound quality.

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