Name Analysis in Numerology
Name analysis in numerology involves associating the letters of your name with their assigned numeric values.
Similar to birth date numerology, you will arrive at a single digit number which possesses certain attributes that can help to better define your character, goals in life and even give some hints about your love life.
Numerology is considered to be an ancient pseudo science with a vague origin that is sometimes associated strictly with mathematicians and other times with Jewish mysticism winding back over 10,000 years.
Name analysis has intensely accurate and relevant components which can help provide better direction and reassurance to even the most grounded individuals.
How Does Name Analysis Work? Calculating the numerology of your name is simple.
Beginning with A which equals 1 and B equals 2 all the way to I equals 9, you then repeat the pattern with J equaling 1, K equals 2 and so on.
For the name Michael, you would be adding M(4) + I(9) + C(3) + H(8) + A(1) + E(5) + L(3)= 33.
You then need to reduce the name to a single digit by adding each digit which would be 3 + 3= 6.
Some people choose to use their first name only or their first and last or even include their middle name.
Regardless of what you choose, there are continually underlying features of your numbers within your own personality.
Knowing what the numbers mean is important to understanding who you are and the path you should take in your life.
For number 1's: You are often regarded in the literal sense of a number 1.
You are thought to be a leader or primary, integral component of a team, family or group.
For number 2's: In numerology, the number 2 typically refers to someone who prefers symmetry and who wants harmony.
They constantly desire to bridge gaps.
For number 3's: You tend to have the luck of 'third time's the charm' which is good and bad.
At times your desired outcome is delayed as you experience your first two attempts before your successful third attempt.
For number 4's: A number 4 in name analysis numerology persistently focuses on creating a foundation.
Slow and steady will be what wins their race.
For number 5's: For number 5's, typically you will be quick on your feet both in thoughts, words and actions.
For number 6's: The number 6's in name analysis numerology are full of love.
A number 6 has compassion and care and love in their life and whether they go looking for it or not, the need for love and care will find them.
For number 7's: For number 7's in numerology, you are considered unique.
You will usually stand out and if you're not careful, it might not be in a good way.
A number 7 is so versatile and unique that you can find a 7 that is the one everyone wants to be around and be seen with and you can also be that number 7 that stands out so much in a crowd that nobody wants to be around you.
It is a careful balance.
For number 8's: The number 8's in numerology tend to be a bit more pensive about what they do.
They pause and think before they act because an 8 knows what goes around comes around.
For number 9's: Your status as the last number of numerology makes you special.
You are elevated according to numerology theories, and your focus should persistently be on helping others.
What if You Aren't What You Think You Are? If you conduct a name analysis in numerology and find that it is completely the opposite of what you believe, you would not be the first person to experience this.
Numerology has a great deal of depth that may not be apparent to a novice user of numerology.
For example, most numbers have 'subsets' that explain even more about them as well as several numbers having elevated qualities.
It is always best to get a complete and thorough understanding of numerology for the best outcome of your numeric reading.
Similar to birth date numerology, you will arrive at a single digit number which possesses certain attributes that can help to better define your character, goals in life and even give some hints about your love life.
Numerology is considered to be an ancient pseudo science with a vague origin that is sometimes associated strictly with mathematicians and other times with Jewish mysticism winding back over 10,000 years.
Name analysis has intensely accurate and relevant components which can help provide better direction and reassurance to even the most grounded individuals.
How Does Name Analysis Work? Calculating the numerology of your name is simple.
Beginning with A which equals 1 and B equals 2 all the way to I equals 9, you then repeat the pattern with J equaling 1, K equals 2 and so on.
For the name Michael, you would be adding M(4) + I(9) + C(3) + H(8) + A(1) + E(5) + L(3)= 33.
You then need to reduce the name to a single digit by adding each digit which would be 3 + 3= 6.
Some people choose to use their first name only or their first and last or even include their middle name.
Regardless of what you choose, there are continually underlying features of your numbers within your own personality.
Knowing what the numbers mean is important to understanding who you are and the path you should take in your life.
For number 1's: You are often regarded in the literal sense of a number 1.
You are thought to be a leader or primary, integral component of a team, family or group.
For number 2's: In numerology, the number 2 typically refers to someone who prefers symmetry and who wants harmony.
They constantly desire to bridge gaps.
For number 3's: You tend to have the luck of 'third time's the charm' which is good and bad.
At times your desired outcome is delayed as you experience your first two attempts before your successful third attempt.
For number 4's: A number 4 in name analysis numerology persistently focuses on creating a foundation.
Slow and steady will be what wins their race.
For number 5's: For number 5's, typically you will be quick on your feet both in thoughts, words and actions.
For number 6's: The number 6's in name analysis numerology are full of love.
A number 6 has compassion and care and love in their life and whether they go looking for it or not, the need for love and care will find them.
For number 7's: For number 7's in numerology, you are considered unique.
You will usually stand out and if you're not careful, it might not be in a good way.
A number 7 is so versatile and unique that you can find a 7 that is the one everyone wants to be around and be seen with and you can also be that number 7 that stands out so much in a crowd that nobody wants to be around you.
It is a careful balance.
For number 8's: The number 8's in numerology tend to be a bit more pensive about what they do.
They pause and think before they act because an 8 knows what goes around comes around.
For number 9's: Your status as the last number of numerology makes you special.
You are elevated according to numerology theories, and your focus should persistently be on helping others.
What if You Aren't What You Think You Are? If you conduct a name analysis in numerology and find that it is completely the opposite of what you believe, you would not be the first person to experience this.
Numerology has a great deal of depth that may not be apparent to a novice user of numerology.
For example, most numbers have 'subsets' that explain even more about them as well as several numbers having elevated qualities.
It is always best to get a complete and thorough understanding of numerology for the best outcome of your numeric reading.