Technology Networking & Internet

Website Marketing Company Explains Why We Need Twitter

A lot of people are asking why we need Twitter. Just like any other social networking site on the internet, Twitter gained its popularity worldwide. Millions of people post their tweets on a daily basis and their friends will also post comments on those topics. However, Twitter fans should realize that the company which has been operating for a number of years has continuously done so without any real return or earnings. The chief executive of Tweeter still believes that they will be able to turn this site into a booming business.

As a website marketing company we believe the CEO always say that they are not aiming for the optimization of short term revenues rather their target is to look forward and plan for success in the long run. Why again do we need Twitter? Some fans would say it is mainly for recreation, a way for them to let time pass by. Reading the tweets made by others out there can be very informative as well. It is as effective as knowing someone whom you havent even met in your entire life.

Famous celebrities and fashion divas are on Twitter too. A lot of them post their favourite activities on Twitter and one of the most common activity for these people is charity functions. This is simply a way for the big names in show business to say to their Twitter followers which charitable institutions they are helping. There are also times when they have to reach out to well-off individuals who may be willing to give donations to charity. Twitter has become a very important tool for information dissemination.

The ways of the world has definitely changed. Nowadays, people cannot go out of their homes without their gadgets on their bags. Cell phone and iPod is a must to be carried everywhere you go. On the same level, people have come to love Twitter. They log-in to the site when they wake up in the morning, log-in again during their break time at the office, and finally log-in before they go to bed.

You have to accept the fact that Twitter has already become a daily routine for a greater number of the worldwide populace. Non-twitter users would probably say that this is preposterous. It is just a website where you can say anything you wanted to say, shout to the whole world what you want in life and what you wanted to achieve in the future. For the greater number of individuals, Twitter is a part of their everyday living. They breathe and live in it every single day.

There are times when people do not realize the use of Twitter and others of its kind when it comes to immediate publishing of articles or texts. Social networking sites have gained great favour in the eyes of politicians especially near election time. It is just another way for them to tell people about their achievements in life, accomplishments in government service and their plans for tomorrow. Just like business companies whose Twitter ads is directed to attracting more customers, politicians ad campaigns are geared towards gaining the trust and affection of the people.

The best thing about technology is that you can access your Twitter accounts even on your cell phone. If you are continuously reading the tweets of a particular person and you do not have your laptop or notebook with you, you can just open your cell phone and log in to Twitter. The network can now be easily reached on most mobile phones. We need Twitter because its wide coverage gives its fans an unlimited capability to endorse their propaganda, business, career opportunities and a wide range of topics.

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