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Process of Claiming Whiplash Compensation

It's important to write down exactly what happened to cause the accident as quickly as possible. Things you should be aware of are: what you said to another person or persons involved; what was the weather condition when the accident happened; what time did the accident happen; are there any witnesses that can verify your story?

Complete a written note of the things that took place, leading up to during and after the accident, then immediately undergo a medical examination by your doctor. Ask your physician to determine the likelihood of you having suffered whiplash and obtain a written report detailing any whiplash injuries you could have. Whiplash injuries can have long lasting effects leading to dramatic effects on your life.

Do not take a potential whiplash injury lightly. You have to make certain that you protect any future legal rights that you may have to bring a whiplash compensation claim. Severe injury may possibly mean you may no longer able to work. If you have suffered a whiplash injury, then you will know just how painful it may be. It can affect literally every part of your life and cause you to take time off from work, which in turn loses your income. You may also recover the negative effects of your injury on your finances, and you may do that by making a whiplash compensation claim.

Whiplash is a range of neck injuries, caused by an abrupt forward and backward jerking movement of the neck. This action causes the soft tissue across the neck to become injured causing muscle strain, because the neck muscles and ligaments have moved further that their normal range of motion.

Whiplash is normally related to a rear end motor vehicle accident. Most people think that a whiplash injury can only occur at a high speed rear end collision. However, even at a low speed collision might cause whiplash injuries. We have to remember that the greater the force of impact, the greater the severity of the neck injury. A car equipped with a headrest can limit the jerking motion during a rear end collision, but nevertheless, neck pain injuries still occur.

In case you or other people suffered from whiplash because of a car collision, you're eligible to a whiplash compensation claim, provided that the accident wasn't your mistake.In order to make a successful injury claim there must be one or more parties to be blamed for your injury. If the accident that caused your injury was because of your fault and another person's negligence, you may even be able to make an injury claim but in a reduced amount. If you had been 40% to be blame for a road traffic accident, and the other driver was 60% to blame, you'd be entitled to claim, an amount of injury claim that is equivalent to 40% less than the entirely blameless driver who sustained the same injuries as you.

However, if the other party owe you a duty of care, like an employer to its employee, a council to pedestrian, a supermarket to its consumers, a landlord to tenants, and homeowners owe visitors to their home a duty of care, sometimes even when they are trespassers, then you're entitled to make an injury claim against the person or institution who was at fault.

There's a limitation period for personal injury claim and it's generally for three years from the date of the injury. Therefore, it's always best to seek legal advice at an early stage to guarantee the success of your injury claims.

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