Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Do You Have A Hidden Yeast Intolerance?

Most of us know someone who is lactose intolerant and that is what soy latte's are for. Likewise, many of those snacks that are offered with morning coffee are now marked "gluten free" for the increasing number of people discovering they are lactose intolerant. But what is Yeast Intolerance?

It is possible that you are currently suffering undiagnosed symptoms of yeast intolerance. This happens when, without our knowing, our body is providing a welcome environment to a widespread infestation of Candida Albicans bacteria.

Candida Albicans is a yeast-based fungus that is normally found in moist areas of the body, such as the intestines, mouth and genital areas. These fungal growths are kept in check by other beneficial bacteria also normally present in a healthy body. However, illnesses, stress, poor diet can lead to situations where levels of Candida Albicans begin to grow in excess of the natural balancing required good health.  The balancing bacteria in the body can also be killed off by antibiotics, allowing the yeast fungus to grow rapidly. This explosion in growth is experienced as a variety of symptoms such as Thrush, abdominal discomfort such as bloating, diarrhea, soreness, aches and itching.

Without being aware of what is happening, our normal diet can be feeding the fungus that is causing our ill health. Candida fungi thrive on simple sugars, yeast products such as bread and cookies, and fermented products such as alcohol, cheese and yoghurt.  Continuation of a diet that feeds the fungus and doesn't provide the right nutrients to restore the natural balance can result in the immune system becoming progressively weaker, while the spread of the fungus leaks toxins into the system that further damage the immune system. You are on a downward spiral to more symptoms and overall loss of energy and resilience.

Because the yeast fungus is spreading widely and growing rapidly, sufferers are likely to have cravings foods and drinks containing sugar and yeast, because this is what the yeast needs to grow. Thus your diet could be feeding the process that is the cause of your discomfort and ill health.

A yeast free diet is the first and most important step in overcoming yeast infection. With simple changes in diet over a 6 week period, most people will find that the symptoms subside and energy and general health improves.

So, is Yeast Intolerance a life long sentence of food avoidance? For most people, the answer is a definite NO!  Learning what your body requires for a healthy balance, can mean you are able to eat a wide variety of foods, and recognize the early signs that an imbalance may have occurred, enabling you to make some simple adjustments.

This article was written by Graham Forbes who has extensively studied the impact of yeast intolerance and the best ways of restoring natural balance in the body. Visit his website at

For more information on yeast intolerance, go to

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