Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

International Checked Baggage Limits


    • Most international airlines will allow two checked bags on the flight. There is often a charge of between $25 to $50 for each bag being checked.


    • In most cases, each checked bag on an international flight can only weigh up to 70 pounds and be no larger than 62 total linear inches (width plus height plus depth). Additional baggage charges exist for bags weighing more than the maximum weight limit.


    • If you are going for a shorter trip, you have the option of avoiding baggage fees by taking only carry-on luggage. Unlike checked baggage, you will generally not be charged on an international flight for your carry-on baggage. You are usually allowed a bag that is no larger than 45 total linear inches and weighing no more than 40 pounds, as well as a personal item such as a purse or briefcase.

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