Pets & Animal Pets Fish

What to Do for a Sick Fantail Fish?


    • In order to treat your fish, you have to be certain that it is sick to begin with. If your fish is sick, it will likely be more listless than usual. You may notice that it has a change in color, or, in the case of fin rot, the fins may look as though they're deteriorating. If your goldfish's scales are raised, or if there appears to be fuzzy growth on them, this can be a sign that your fish is sick. Your goldfish may stop eating, or it may begin to stick to the bottom of the tank or in a corner. If you spot any of these signs, or a combination of them, it is best to begin trying to treat your goldfish's illness before it gets worse.


    • One of the first steps in treating a sick fantail goldfish is to change the water in the tank and clean the filter. Disease can affect your fish when its water is unclean, or if there isn't enough oxygen due to a dirty filter. If your fantail shares a tank with other goldfish, isolate it from them and clean the tank thoroughly. Make sure the water you replace is thoroughly dechlorinated. Clean your filter well before replacing it. Let the water cycle through the tank for a few hours, ideally overnight, to bring the water back to an acceptable condition for your fish. If there still isn't enough oxygen, you can purchase a separate oxygen-boosting apparatus.

      If you're feeding the fish more than once per day, scale back to feeding it only once. Get your fish back in good health, then return to usual routines. Add aquarium salt to the tank to create an environment that is less likely to be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. The salt will also reduce your fish's stress level, which is beneficial in the healing process. To further treat your fish's illness, add a water conditioner or dechlorinator to your fish's water. This will protect against fungal and bacterial infections, and reduce fish stress. Disease treatment drops are also available.

    Preventing Recurrence

    • Be diligent about changing your fish's water. Dirty water is harmful to fish. Treat the water with a dechlorinator before adding your fish. Clean your filters often to make sure that the oxygen is getting through. If your fish shares a tank, make sure there isn't any overcrowding. Clean the gravel in the bottom of your fish's tank from time to time as well. Either wash the gravel when changing water and cleaning the tank, or use a siphon. By practicing good tank maintenance, your fish's chance for getting sick is minimalized.

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