Society & Culture & Entertainment Visual Arts

The First Steps to Becoming an Artist

Becoming an artist is not as difficult as you may think.
Of course like everything in life it will take some work, patience, and training to become a really good artist.
But like with anything, you need to take the first initial steps and learn the in and outs before you can become a professional artist.
Here is a brief rundown of what those first steps are and where you need to start.
First of all you need to understand that this is a slow process but really anybody can learn to draw.
If you really want to be a good artist you'll need to set aside time to understand what good art is and how to create good art.
Artists are very keen observers of the environment.
They notice several aspects about the way the setting looks that an average person would never notice in the same amount of time.
To become a good artist you too must start to be a better observer.
It is just too hard to draw anything that you have only viewed once or twice.
You must take in all of the little things that you normally wouldn't notice and observe the item that you are going to draw several times.
The more you look and understand, the more detail you will be able to put into your drawing.
Great artists also have a really good memory.
Not only are they very keen observers in notice detailed factors about the environment but they also remember exactly what they saw.
The more they remember about a scene they are going to draw better than dry and will most likely be.
Try it yourself sometime and next time you view a scene or an item that you think might be something that you want to draw, take a really good look at the item so you can remember what that will look like when you do get to your canvas.
Over time and with practice this will all get much easier.
Take little steps each day and take the time to really notice environment and point out things to yourself that you normally might not notice.
Then quiz yourself later on what those items were and exactly how they were positioned.
That is just one lesson and one step that you can work on to become a better artist.
Do not get discouraged if your artwork does not turn out the way you want at first.
Be patient with the results but be dedicated with the work to make yourself a better artist.
Little by little you will begin to learn to draw better and better each time.

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