Business & Finance Blogging

7 Ways to Advertise For Free on Blog Talk Radio

One of the best ways to advertise your business online for free is by using BlogTalkRadio.
Anyone who has ever dreamed of being a radio personality can now turn their dream into a reality with Blog Talk Radio.
Within minutes you can set up your own radio show about any topic that you desire and broadcast it all over the world at no cost.
In this article I will share with seven more ways to advertise your business your business online for free at BlogTalkRadio.
Volunteer to Be a Guest on Other Shows - One common denominator that all of the hosts on Blog Talk Radio share is the constant need for material.
If you have a great product, service or event to broadcast you could easily get some needed publicity by volunteering to be the guest on another show.
Just take a look through the category directory and find shows with a description that matches whatever you're offering.
Contact the host and let him or her know about your product and set up a joint venture where the host gets commission sales and you get more customers from promoting your product on the show.
Blog and RSS Marketing - In my opinion the absolute best feature about BlogTalkRadio.
com is the blogging and RSS marketing elements.
This site is like blogging on steroids so you need to be strategic in planning your shows and blog post in order to make the most of what Blog Talk Radio truly offers.
Every page and tag is RSS enabled with well targeted titles and rss tags it's very easy to get indexed and ranked on the search engines for your prime keyword phrases within just a few hours.
Did I mention that this is all free? 3.
Social Networking - Another great element of Blog Talk Radio is the social networking opportunity.
With an estimated 3.
4 million listeners as of September 2008, Blog Talk Radio is certainly much smaller than most of the social networks that you're probably accustomed.
However, there's a big benefit hiding in those small number that you may not find on larger social sites and that's the chance to actually get to know someone and make a real connection.
According to Compete.
com, their July 2008 statistics show that BlogTalkRadio.
com has an average audience engagement time of 18 minutes and 04 seconds.
That means that the average unique visitor stays on BlogTalkRadio.
com for more than 18 minutes per visit.
That's more than a minute and a half longer than most people stay on MySpace.
com and almost twice as long at a visitors stays at Google.
More time spent at your website gives you more opportunities to advertise for free.
It also increases the bond between you and your potential customers so that they feel more secure about the possibility of spending money with you.
Podcasting - Blog Talk Radio allows you to set up your account so that your shows can automatically be turned into podcasts.
From there you can use syndicate your podcast to dozens of directories using PodPusher.
Use an Opt In Form - One very powerful way to get lots if free advertising out of BlogTalkRadio.
com is to add your optin form to your profile.
This is another way to build your mailing list so that you can advertise anytime you want.
Surprisingly, I don't see very many people on BlogTalkRadio doing this yet but it's certainly something that you want to start taking advantage of.
Add Product or Affiliate Links - Here's another big opportunity that Blog Talk Radio gives you to get free advertising.
You can add your own list of links to your profile.
This is similar to a blogroll.
You just go into the Options tab under Setting then scroll down to where it says "Links listed on my profile page" to add links to the sites that you want to promote.
Feature Your Own Show - BlogTalkRadio.
com media kit says that the site receives an estimated 400,000 unique monthly visitors.
Being listed on the front page of BTR as a Featured Show could bring a good hunk of that traffic to your website.
There's a form under the settings option on your host account that you can fill in to request to be a featured show.
Keep in mind that only very best shows will be featured so it's a good idea to wait until you develop a really go show before making this request.
In the meantime, just keep working making your show better and using all of these other methods.
If you're looking for effective ways to advertise your business online for free then I hope that the methods offered in this article are helpful to you and you will take advantage of this great opportunity to use BlogTalkRadio.

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