Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

How To Cure Hemorrhoids?

To begin we will say that hemorrhoids are swollen veins, swollen around the anus or lower rectum. The rectum is the final portion of the intestine and its function is to pass a stool through the anus. Hemorrhoids are "cushions" of tissue filled with blood vessels that are at the junction of the rectum and the anus. Can be found inside the anus or under the skin around the anus.

Depending on your location, hemorrhoids can be classified as follows:

* Internal hemorrhoids: involve the veins inside the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless but may bleed painlessly.

* Prolapsed hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids that are able to stretch down to hover outside the anus. This type of hemorrhoid can go back inside the rectum.

* External hemorrhoids: occur in the veins outside the anus. They can give itching, painful and can sometimes crack and bleed. Severe pain can occur if the swollen veins of hemorrhoids form blood clots. In this case speaks of thrombosed hemorrhoids.

The first symptoms are pain, pruritus (itching), and the appearance of a low rectal bleeding, blood on toilet paper or toilet, and discomfort after having a bowel movement. Sometimes, if there is bleeding, you see an anemia (low red blood cell count in the blood), especially the most characteristic is the very tenderness of hemorrhoids as a bulge on the edge of the anus.

Among the most common known causes of hemorrhoids which are swollen or inflamed, it can be mentioned:

- An increase in abdominal pressure such as when you strain with a bowel movement

- Pregnancy and childbirth,

- Aging,

- Chronic constipation or diarrhea.

In addition, there are factors that may favor its appearance. People whose parents had hemorrhoids may be more likely to have them. Pregnant women often get hemorrhoids because of the strain of carrying a baby and giving birth. Being overweight, standing too long, lifting too much weight, either at work or in sport can also make hemorrhoids worse. Finally, certain dietary habits are also involved in the formation of hemorrhoids.

Most painful hemorrhoids stop hurting on their own within one to two weeks.However, if still uncomfortable consult your doctor. It is necessary to ensure that blood is not caused by a more serious, such as colorectal or anal cancer. To diagnose hemorrhoids must have symptoms characteristic of blood and secretions during bowel movements, with an external anal inspection or examination to confirm the presence rectoscópico dilations in the rectum.

Because rectal bleeding is the most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids, and also appears in various tumors of the colon and rectum, it is recommended that a rectosigmoidoscopy. This is an internal examination of the lower intestine (colon) and rectum, using an instrument called a sigmoidoscope, which allows for other diseases. Analysis should also be performed to verify the presence of anemia, as it could be an important secondary complication.

In some cases, if the hemorrhoids are large and cause great discomfort, may require surgery. However, in many cases treatment with warm baths and a proven and effective cream, is sufficient to relieve symptoms.

According to data provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States hemorrhoids are very common among men and women. About half of people have hemorrhoids at age 50. Therefore, it is important to have information about what are hemorrhoids, its causes, symptoms and treatments. And, of course, never forget to consult your doctor.

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