Health & Medical Mental Health

The Foolproof Guide on How to Deal With Panic Attacks

Basically, a panic attack is just a mere adrenaline rush.
Considered as a normal stimulus, an adrenaline rush is how the body responds to a threat.
However, what's not normal is the occurrence of an adrenaline rush even in the absence of a threat.
This is what a panic attack is.
How to deal with panic attacks then? Before anything else, it is important to first understand that it is just ordinary for certain circumstances to put your anxiety on the rise.
Regardless if it's a corporate affair, speaking in front of an audience or a conversation with someone you barely know, these situations increase one's anxiety level.
But if these kinds of events cause panic attacks to strike, then it is to be considered alarming.
If anxiety will be measured at a scale of 1-10 with ten to be labeled a panic attack in full swing, then majority of the population will fall under the scale of 3.
On the other hand, panic attack sufferers will have theirs generally beyond 5 or 6.
Every time you get to encounter a situation that would probably skyrocket one's anxiety, a person will get to have an increase from 3 to 8 on average, just the basic response that will require an adrenaline rush.
Meanwhile, someone suffering from panic attacks, his scale will have a leap of 5.
The trick of the trade in getting familiar on how to deal with panic attacks is through an overall reduction of your anxiety level.
The effect of this is it will make your chances of having your panic attack to strike slim since there won't be any opportunities for the panic attacks to trigger.
To conclude, the most ideal solution to one's anxiety does not dwell on playing hide-and-seek with panic laden situations.
Instead, it is through facing it and learning how to put a stop to its scare.
Such scare is the factor responsible for your anxiety and truth is, it's just all in the mind.
By shrugging off the thought and not letting your own self wreck havoc because of generating fearful thought, you'll get by and eventually learn how to deal with panic attacks.

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