Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

Where Can I Get Wholesale Investor Training?

This is a such an important question! One that I wish I would have known the answer too at the beginning of my investing career! With so much educational information available to the new real estate investor it's hard to know who's preaching fact and who's preaching BS.
There are currently some really good wholesaling courses and books available to the new investors.
But, there is 10 times as much worthless and outdated books and manuals on the market that are being peddled by "Fake Guru's" and "Pretend Experts".
Most of these real estate "get rich quick" scams are found right here on the internet! I found this out the hard way early in my career by spending thousands of dollars of my hard earned money buying courses and attending over priced "pep rallies"! These hucksters sucked my wallet dry and just left me more confused about how real estate investors make money than ever before! It wasn't until I met my Mentor, who turned out to be my own Nephew, that the way to make BIG money in real estate was finally made clear to me.
It wasn't until I met someone who cared as much about my success as I did, and was willing to take me by the hand and show me EXACTLY what he was doing successfully as a real estate wholesaler, did the "light bulb" finally come on for me! It takes just too long of a time, and it is just to costly of an experience to try to figure this whole business out all by yourself! I'm talking from pure experience here! I lost several years of potential success and 10's of thousands of dollars trying to put all of the real estate investing pieces together by myself! Everyone needs a REAL mentor or coach.
Someone to show you step-by-step, exactly what to do in perfect order.
You need someone who's still REALLY doing it the right way, someone who is currently still experiencing great successes as a wholesaler to show you what to do next! A lot of investors who have had previous success as investors, and who are no longer actively in the game, are still preaching what worked for them 5-10-20 years ago! This my friends is mostly outdated information that will NOT work in today's economy! You should only be taking advise from coaches and experts that are currently still making it happen as active real estate wholesalers! I don't know about you, but I only want to take advise from others who can prove to me that they are still practicing what they are preaching to the masses.
Everyone else, for my dollar, is full of BS! So do yourself a favor, make sure that before you open up your wallet to any self proclaimed real estate wholesaling expert, they truly are who they say they are! Remember, on the internet we can say, do, and become anything or anyone that we want! Who's really going to know? A real active expert should at least have the following credentials available for your immediate review: 1.
) A company website where you can view some of his current Deals that he has available to wholesale to other s.
; After all, he is getting rich wholesaling houses right? Well, let us see your personal inventory of available properties! Should have at least 10 real deals for sale at this site.
NO WEBSITE, NOT AN EXPERT in my opinion.
) Should be able to provide you with his company's phone number where his investor/buyers and his motivated sellers can call to buy and sell houses to him! 3.
) Should have an office address where he operates his business professionally.
I have sellers and buyers continually parading in and out of my office.
Any successful full-time wholesaler that I Know has an office to conduct business from.
Any self respecting Mentor or real estate coach should be able to walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk, and should be currently doing it successfully! If he isn't, run the other way! So do your own home work and then choose wisely based on facts and not fiction! For more wholesaling houses information visit: www.

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