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Juvenile Defense

If you are the parent of a juvenile who has been accused of committing a crime, you may face serious distress and personal anguish.
It is often difficult to deal with the news that your child has been accused of a crime, and it may be even harder to imagine them committing an act that caused harm or damage to someone else or their property.
Parents often spend years making sure their children understand the difference between right and wrong, and most emphasize the importance of staying out of trouble.
When it comes to protecting your children, it is essential to explain how their actions affect themselves and others.
Criminal charges can have serious consequences on a young person's future and should be avoided at all costs.
Most people understand that the law provides different protection and punishment for juveniles, and juvenile sentencing often includes a larger element of rehabilitation.
In some cases, however, the child may be charged and sentenced as an adult, especially if the crime is especially brutal or violent.
Children may be charged with crimes including:
  • Theft
  • Robbery/Burglary
  • Assault/Battery
  • Auto Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Minor in Possession of Alcohol
  • Drug Charges
It is important for parents to protect their children and make sure that they are not wrongly accused of a crime they did not commit.
If your child is facing serious criminal charges, it is essential to have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side.
By consulting with a juvenile defense lawyer, you may be able to discuss the specifics of your child's case and discover your legal options.
Parents may wish to emphasize the importance of good decision-making for their child or teenager.
While children often understand that their actions may have long-lasting consequences, many do not consider how their behavior may affect their long-term livelihood.
If a child or teenager commits a serious crime, he or she may face incarceration in a juvenile facility, probation, and other punishment for the violations.
In addition, their criminal record may prevent them from participating in after-school activities, sports, and other important events to young individuals, and may threaten to derail their educational path.
Parents may wish to emphasize how decisions made as a youth can affect the long-term future of the person in question.
For more information on criminal charges and juvenile defense, visit the website of the Austin criminal attorney Ian Inglis.

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