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Credit Crunch Wake Up Call - A New Baby Card is a Wonderful Way to Welcome Junior

The birth of a new child is a wonderful event and brings great joy to family and friends. It makes us remember what is important in the world. With a new life, hope springs eternal for a happy future for the child. Most parents would just wish for their child to be healthy and happy.

Many well-wishers will lavish gifts on the new arrival, but it is not necessary to spend a fortune to send your congratulations and blessings. A simple new baby greetings card is a lovely way to welcome a little person into the world.

I remember when my first daughter was born that I was amazed by the number of gifts we received both before and after the birth. The generosity of our friends and family was amazing, and for every item I was truly grateful. Personally, I was just as touched by the small gifts, as some of the bigger ones.

Like just about everything else in our modern world, babies have become over-commercialised. The baby business is a massive industry. Even in the current economy, people tend to splash out and overspend on an expensive baby shower or christening gift. Often, overpriced baby presents offer very little value in terms of actual usage and wear. A simple, well chosen gift or baby card, with a sincere message, will always be well received by any new parent.

I still have all of the baby cards we received, because the words meant so much to me, even though most of the gifts are long gone. As the old saying goes, it really is the thought that counts, not the price ticket.

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